9 October 2023 (Monday) - Back to Work

I woke shivering at three o'clock this morning to find that an alliance of “er indoors TM and the dogs had captured pretty much all of the duvet. I managed  to take back six inches of covers and then lay awake for much of the rest of the night. I thought I had a major opportunity to get some duvet when “er indoors TM went for a wazz at half past four, but unusually it was just her that went. There was no great canine exodus (as there usually is) and the sleeping dogs weren't budging much. I shifted them sufficiently to get enough duvet to cover myself, but when “er indoors TM came back she took back everything I'd gained, and then had a bit of a set-to with one of the dogs (I think it was Treacle; it usually is).
At half past five I gave up and got up. I made toast and watched an episode of "Alice in Borderland" which was entertaining, but would have benefitted from someone bilingual in both Japanese and English doing the translating. The program was originally made in Japanese and in the English version the characters speak in pretty much the way that Google Translate would speak.  No English-speaking actor would come out with the phrasing that the show uses.
With telly watched I got ready for work and set off west-wards through the -hursts and the -dens aiming for Tunbridge Wells. You'd be amazed at how many dustbin lorries I got stuck behind today.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the ongoing situation in the Gaza strip where the Palestinians and Israelis are indiscriminately killing each other again.
I blogged about this on 16 October 2015 when I wrote " Israelis and Palestinians continue to kill each other. They have been doing that for as long as I can remember and show no signs of stopping". I don't want to appear cynical, but there was an interview on the radio a couple of years ago with the leading lights on both sides of the conflict. Both people being interviewed kept on about irreconcilable differences dating back to twenty years before I was born. Sadly the only thing either agreed on was that they would never agree.
There was also an interview with the head honcho of Unite the Union who was grumbling that the Labour party would never get into power unless they stopped being so timid.
This is the trouble with our system of government though, isn't it? Sometimes tough decisions need to be made, and tough decisions are often vote-losers. Doing the right thing can get you out of office, and threatening to do it can ensure you never get into office.
As I drove I found that I was (sort-of) following a hot air balloon. I can remember following one deliberately many years ago. A friend who was visiting suggested we followed it to watch it land. As well as that hot air balloon we also followed a truck with a trailer. I will always remember the hot air balloon not so much landing as crashing in a random field, and the frantic rush to load it all onto the truck's trailer before the land owner arrived. There used to be hot air balloons randomly crashing on the Bat-Farm in years gone by. Sometimes they would escape before anyone could get to them. Occasionally my mate would block their getaway with a land-rover and pretend to be cross. The hot air balloon people would smile and offer a free ride as a sweetener.
When you book a hot air balloon ride no one ever tells you that the ending of the ride is somewhat random.
Having been unable to find my sandwich box this morning I popped into Tesco in Pembury to get a sandwich. Like Sainsbury's in Aylesford, rather than having staff on tills doing their job they too had staff glaring with contempt at people fighting with the self service devices.
I hate the self-service tills; if I wanted to use them I would pack it all in as a blood tester and get a job in a supermarket.
I got to work. In between doing work we had a “Name the Disney Animation” competition in which I did surprisingly well.
As I came home my car came up with an alarm. It suggested I might check the back left light. I did. It looks fine to me. I’ll phone the garage in the morning…

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