5 October 2023 (Thursday) - Dentist, Pants, Camera

As I had my usual rummage around Facebook this morning I saw quite a few posts from Midge Ure’s performance at the Royal Albert Hall last night. Earlier in the week I had an offer of a ticket to be there (and a lift to get there) but what with wedding anniversary I turned it down. It looks like I missed a good show.
There wasn’t much else happening on-line, so with “er indoors TM off to the Sandwich office I settled the dogs and walked down the road to the dentist.
I took my place in the waiting room and my piss boiled as I watched some young mother with her brat. The brat had a scooter and when it wasn’t trying to smash lumps out of the floor and walls by using the scooter as a hammer, it was running round the surgery like a thing possessed. Mother followed making rather pathetic excuses. I realise that in today’s (rather pathetic) society we are supposed to try to reason with the brat to ask it to consider a different way of carrying on whilst in no way criticizing what it is doing, but seriously… Give it one firm crack across the arse and it will behave. And having had one firm crack across the arse the threat of more will ensure it doesn’t wreak havoc again. I realise there are those that disagree, but in my experience those who disagree either have no children of their own or have the most ill-behaved brats.
A couple of weeks ago I had a rather bad toothache and was told I needed a root canal filling. Today it was happening. I’d read up on the things and was prepared for an hour’s pain. I was in and out in fifteen minutes and was told to come back for more treatment in a month. Hopefully by then the burning taste will have gone from my mouth.
I came home to find the dogs asleep. I woke them and we drove up to Kings Wood. We took a little diversion to our planned walk today; several dozen small children were running round screaming where we’d hoped to go, Now I don’t mean that figuratively or sarcastically. I mean that quite literally After five minutes walking in to the woods we encountered a very large group of primary school aged children who were all running in random directions, all screaming, as half a dozen adults looked on. Was this some sort of school activity? We went the other way.
When we go to the woods we often chase squirrels, roll in fox poo, wade in swamps and try to avoid the normal people. Today we explored a path we’d not wandered before… and found a rather large pair of recently shitted underpants. Someone had crapped themselves and abandoned pants.
Between screaming children and crapped pants the dogs were incredibly well behaved.
We came home where I scoffed the last of yesterday’s Chinese then cracked on with the ironing. As I scoffed and ironed I watched four episodes of “Alice in Borderland”; a Netflix program which isn’t entirely unlike “Squid Game”. With the ironing done I watched telly from under a pile of dogs… and then the doorbell rang. My new Dog-o-Vision security camera had arrived. After a little fiddling about I managed to get the thing up and running. Connected to the house wi-fi it can transmit to my phone via the mobile data and so I can keep an eye on the dogs from miles away… not that they are every left alone for any length of time.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the final of “Lego Masters: USA” in which the best team were robbed.
I then fell asleep during the first episode of the most recent season of “Taskmaster”.


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