12 October 2023 (Thursday) - Dull

I slept like a log last night, which was a result. I got up, made brekkie and scoffed it whilst watching more "Alice in Borderland" which has taken an interesting turn; the picture cards have turned up. When you need a complete deck of cards in order to stay alive, having no picture cards is a definite disadvantage.
I then had a little look at the Internet. Someone on one of the local groups had recently bought a pet tracker and had put up a picture of where her cat had gone overnight. It was rather amazing just how far a cat roams. Such a shame that the things don't work on dogs which have gone walkabout when out in the woods.
I got ready for work, and pausing only briefly to nearly (but not quite) splat a cyclist I set off. Why on Earth would anyone be riding a bike in pitch darkness on the wrong side of the road, with no lights or reflectors and clad entirely in black? Do they want to die? I wound down the window to shout abuse at the idiot and was somewhat amazed to see it was someone far older than me. You'd think he'd know better, wouldn't you?
Mind you the warning about checking the car's rear light didn't come on this morning (but the rear light did).
As I drove through the rain the pundits on the radio were talking about moves afoot in officialdom to try to curb the growth in teenagers vaping. It rather amazed me that this was seen as news; forty years ago I was part of a very small minority of teenagers who didn't smoke. Kids have always smoked; did anyone seriously expect vaping to be any different?
There was also talk of the recent samples of asteroid returned to Earth from the asteroid Bennu. The pundits on the radio amaze me sometimes. Last week they were banging on that the world is short of all sorts of mineral resources and today they were presented with a solution to that problem...  and all they could do was take the piss out of anything remotely sciencey
But most of the morning's radio was devoted to the ongoing situation in Gaza. Things look pretty bleak there, and are showing no sign of improving. Meanwhile there's thirty-one other wars going on elsewhere in the world to say nothing of a major earthquake in Afghanistan.
Our old friend science has found something new – “never-seen” material that is “beyond the periodic table”.
And none of these got a mention.
I got to work and did that which I couldn't avoid. Work was a tad dull, really. As I drove home “er indoors TM sent a message. The co-op was doing a deal on steak and chips; could I pick some up on the way through. I did… Admittedly the steak and chips was cheap. But it was cheap because there was sod all of it.
Some days in my life are rather good. And others are on the dull side…

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