21 October 2023 (Saturday) - It Rained. A Lot...

The alarm woke me this morning at half past seven. That was something of a result. I made toast and had a look at Facebook like I so often do. My friends list was eight people shorter than when I’d last looked. Eight people who were once Facebook friends aren’t any more. I wonder what I did to offend them? And I wonder which (ex) friends they were? I’ve identified one of them and sent a message. For all that Facebook claims it doesn’t randomly delete people from your friends list, I’ve had people asking me why I’ve defriended them when I haven’t.
I also had a message via geocaching dot com. Last weekend a couple of people from Bournemouth had stayed locally overnight to do all my Kings Wood geocaches. They had had a good time and enjoyed the woods. I was rather pleased about that.
There wasn’t much else happening in cyber space so despite the rain we went to Dog Club. Today was probably the lowest attendance we’ve ever had at Dog Club with more people (ten) than dogs (nine) but as always a great time was had by all. Treacle proudly carried a ball around. Morgan and Bailey played with the bigger dogs and Morgan got told off a few times. And (unusually) today wasn’t endless treats all round.
As we drove home Steve was doing the Mystery Year on the radio. The Laughing Gnome… I got it right away… and then “er indoors TM got me doubting myself. But when Steve said that the films released that year included “Live and Let Die” I realized I was right all along.
“er indoors TM dropped me off three streets from home where I’d parked my car last night and I then drove round to B&Q for a new light switch. The one in the living room was a dimmer switch which must have been in place for over thirty years. The dimming bit hasn’t worked for years, and recently we’ve had issues with the LED lights constantly flickering. It says on the internet (so it must be true) that old dimmer switches make LED lights flicker.
I spent fifteen minutes marching round B&Q. You’d think they’d have put the light switches in the lighting section, wouldn’t you?
Once home it took longer to clear all the rubbish out of the way of the mains power switch than to change the light switch. The thing is now installed, and it is rather nice to sit in the living room without constantly flickering lights.
And with light switch replaced there was so much I could have done. The lawn doesn’t mow itself. The temporary fix on the outflow from the pond’s bog filter needs reviewing. The shed needs a tidy-up and the rubbish taking to the tip. But the drizzle we’d tolerated at Dog Club had become a full-on downpour. So I looked at filling in the paperwork for my retirement. I’d had a glance at it last night and had despaired. So many questions asking things that I don’t understand, let alone know the answers. My plan was to go through the twelve page document and come up with a list of what I need to find out, and send that list back to the pension people asking “WTF?” I wasted three quarters of an hour compiling a quite comprehensive list of what I didn’t understand before realising all I needed to fill out was my personal details, and someone else would fill in the tricky stuff.
The sun came out. But by the time I’d turned off the lap-top and decided what garden jobs to do, so the rain started again. Even harder than it had been.
“er indoors TM set off to Folkestone whilst I ironed shirts, then sat on the sofa with the dogs watching episodes of “Foundation” until she returned with “Darcie Waa Waa TM who is having a sleepover with us. We spent a pleasant afternoon dog-snogging and singing various versions of various songs until littlun became just a little too fractious.
The girls are up in the top bedroom making quite a bit of racket. The dogs are impatiently waiting by the living room door, occasionally squeaking. The moment I open the door, all three will fly to the top bedroom too. I shall give it another hour until I’m sure littlun is fast asleep before letting the dogs up… I shall watch another episode of “Foundation”… for all that I have been rather critical of it, they’ve got the young Hober Mallow spot on…

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