29 October 2023 (Sunday) - On The Dull Side

What with a rather late night and (frankly ridiculous) daylight saving we were rather late out of bed this morning. Usually I resent wasting time in my pit, but the weather forecast for today wasn’t good. Having been listening to the rain, hearing a lull I got the dogs into the garden and they did what was expected of them.
I made toast, had a look at a frankly dull internet, then carried on trying to solve a geo-puzzle. This one involves solving a series of on-line jigsaws related to Bagpuss. I completed the one I’d started a couple of nights ago; that one only took five hours in total and made a start on the next. And then I took a deep breath and realised that I hate jigsaw puzzles. I sent a message to the bloke who’d set the puzzle. He said there were twelve in total, all getting increasingly more difficult. Bearing in mind the ninth took five hours to do, I decided to stop at that point.
Seeing a break in the weather I went on a little outing. “er indoors TM is secretary of the scout group and they were having their AGM this afternoon. As she was feeling a tad under the weather I delivered the paperwork that needed delivering. Back in the day a rather dull scout group AGM would take a few minutes after a cubs or scouts meeting, and you wouldn’t really notice the time it took. Nowadays you are expected to give up an entire afternoon to the thing. I must have enjoyed some of my time as a scout leader as I did it for long enough, but I can’t help but feel that I am well out of it.
Is that wrong of me?
I came home via Pets at Home as we needed dog food and fish food. The place was surprisingly busy, and for every customer that was looking were they were going, there was a dozen who were just randomly blundering about. I see this so often in so many places. So many people really do blunder about; seemingly obvious that there are other people in the vicinity into whom they are seemingly constantly crashing. Perhaps I might take to doing that; if only for a bit of a laugh.
As I walked into Pets at Home it had been a glorious day with bright sunshine and blue skies. As I walked out less than ten minutes later there was a completely black sky and torrential rain. By the time I’d got the shopping home we had a blue sky again. This was today in a nutshell; beautiful sunshine alternating with torrential rain. Seeing the sun I took a chance and ran the dogs round the block. We got round without getting soaked, and without incident too.
But once home the rain started again. “er indoors TM cracked open a pot of guacamole dip and we scoffed it with mushroom flavoured crisps (oh yes!!!) whilst watching an episode of “Taskmaster”. Lucy Beaumont was in that show and was not doing very well… I remember her husband John Richardson advising her against spearing in TV quiz shows as no one ever notices who wins, but everyone does notice those who make complete idiots of themselves.
I went into the garden to have a quick measure-up of the pond with a view to enlarge the bog filter. Part of that will involve some serious ground work and sawing of sleepers. But just as I got the tape measure out so the rain started again. I effectively gave up on the afternoon at that point and watched several episodes of “Four in a Bed” in which two half-way decent B&B establishments were up against a canal boat which offered (rather good) accommodation, and a complete sh*t-hole. I’m sorry - there was no other way to describe it. The sh*t-hole was run by some woman who was absolutely convinced that cheap was good, and cheaper was better, and she was accompanied (but *not* assisted) by her husband who considered himself to he a high-flying businessman but was actually a bit of a tit. One of their bathrooms was filmed with toilet roll and soap dispensers being empty, tiles coming off the walls, paint flaking in chucks the size of your hand, and this chap claimed that this was nothing that should warrant any complaint. When challenged that half the light bulbs in the place were missing (they were!) he replied by asking how many light bulbs do people want?
I do love that show.
As I laughed at the antics on the hoteliers, so Morgan and Bailey snuggled with me. They’ve both been rather quiet today; I hope they aren’t sickening for something.
“er indoors TM then drove off to Folkestone and came back with Daddy’s Little Angel TMandDarcie Waa Waa TM (together with Pogo) who all came up for Sunday dinner.
I’m going back to work tomorrow for a bit of peace and quiet…

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