15 October 2023 (Sunday) - Poorly Pup

I heard Morgan jumping off of the bed at three o'clock so I hurried after him. He was a good boy and waited by the back door to be let out. I trusted him to do his thing and he soon came back inside and we were all soon back in bed.
He jumped up again at quarter to four. And at quarter past four. And shortly after that… Just before five o'clock he didn't make it to the back door and there was quite a bit of blood-stained sick and he was bringing up coffee-ground-like bits too. that's never a good sign (it's semi-digested blood - yuk!)
After this he settled, but by this time I'd been up with him seven times so I didn't bother going back to bed. I made brekkie and watched a bit more of "Allice in Borderland" whilst listening for the sound of a small dog coming down the stairs. Sure enough he soon came down again.
I left “er indoors TM with strict instructions to take him to the vet, and I set off to work on a very dark and cold morning. As I drove I listened to a frankly ridiculous program on the radio which seemed to be taking the line that any religious or superstitious old tosh (no matter how patently absurd) could become factually correct *if* it was put to music. Which is why people in church sing hymns (apparently). The presenter then went on to claim that someone has made a musical called "Yahweh vs Allah" which will supposedly sort out religious wars once and for all (!)
Amazingly this program was called "Something Understood".
There was then the usual farming program in which the presenters were visiting a farm in Devon which has been nominated for "Farm of the Year", where the presenters were rather surprised to find it was being run as a business rather than as a shambles.
Apart from the usual road racers who infest the A262, the roads were rather quiet this morning and I made good time to Pembury. I had enough time to go look for a geocache. Having spent a little while puzzle solving yesterday evening I was hopeful... I found a location which matched the description of where I thought I should be... but no cache.
I went in to work and had a rather busy day. Usually when I’m working at the weekends I grumble about what the weather is doing, but I had no idea what the weather was like today; I really didn’t stop.
But as I scoffed a bit of dinner I had a look at the Internet through my phone. Again we completely forgot about Hastings bonfire which happened last night. Back in the day I used to organise mass outings to the bonfire parades... these days people just go in smaller groups on their own.
We probably wouldn't have gone last night, but it would be nice to have been reminded that it was on.
As I worked “er indoors TM sent updates on Morgan. She showed the vet photos of what he'd sicked up and the vet seemed to agree with my diagnosis; hopefully just a rather bad bout of gastroenteritis but possibly an ulcer or damage caused by something that the daft dog might have eaten. He was given medicine and instructions to return if there's no improvement in five days.
“er indoors TM took him and his furry associates for a walk; apparently you wouldn’t have realised he was poorly.
I came home to find three sleeping dogs; “er indoors TM had gone to visit the in-laws. I put the telly on, put on more “Alice in Borderland” and was soon sleeping myself.
I wonder when “er indoors TM will be home?

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