29 May 2022 (Sunday) - Lazy Day

With water pressure re-established (I wonder what did happen yesterday?) I set the washing machine loose on T shirts and scoffed toast and coffee as I peered into Facebook. Desperately hoping to see something interesting that friends might have done yesterday, I was instead deluged with no end of poorly written adverts for stuff in which I have no interest whatsoever. And I wouldn’t ever answer most of those adverts as (call me elitist if you will) I have to wonder just who is putting out these things. Take the very first advert I read: “GRASS CUTTING GET UR FREE QUOTES TODAY on me thanks”. When you type this on your lap-top the mis-spelled words are underlined in read, and the grammatical nonsense is underlined in blue. If you do it on the phone then the spell-checker kicks in there too. I’ve been told off about my attitude in this before, but as far as I am concerned poor spelling and poor grammar is a sign of a rush job, and do I want someone who can’t be bothered to take two seconds to look at a spell-check to do a paid job for me?

And then Bailey sicked up all the poop I didn’t see her eating when we’d gone out earlier.


Whilst the washing machine worked its wonders on a second load I made sure the dogs were inside, ran out the hose pipe, lifted the manhole cover and cleaned out the fish pond filter. It was as well that I did – it was rather grungy. And with all the fish poo hosed down the drain I hung out washing, mowed the lawn, then scared up yet another carful of rubbish for yet another tip run. And then hurriedly got all the washing back inside as the rain started.


“er indoors TM went off to B&Q; I stayed on the sofa. With three dogs asleep on me I didn’t like to move them. So I took two minutes to do as I’d been asked and add my preferred pronouns to my LinkedIn profile. Rather than “he/his” (which was too obvious) I went with “hatstand/fusebox” for the simple reason that I could. (preferred pronouns? Seriously?) 

I then spent an hour or so in NeverWinter until “er indoors TM came home. She’d bought some really expensive masking tape which wouldn’t rip the paintwork off when removed, and used it to rip a great big hole in the new paintwork on the wall that was only done a week or so ago whilst doing the doorframe. I thought about suggesting she could have put some on Morgan to stop him getting covered in paint (again), but by the time I’d plucked up the courage to do so, it was too late. 

As she painted I watched the classic “Doctor Who and the Daleks” films on the telly. After a while I realised the puppies were quiet. Too quiet. I looked over and one of them had gone out to the yard, pulled a plant out of its pot, dragged plant (and soil ball) past “er indoors TM (who was still painting) and onto the living room carpet where they had destroyed it.
Once we’d cleared the mess “er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the final of “Lego Masters: USA” which was rather good.

For all that today has been a rather lazy day I feel worm out..

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