30 May 2023 (Tuesday) - Feeling Grim

You'd think that a night shift followed by an afternoon on the beer would have been conducive to a good night's kip, wouldn't you?
But the dogs were restless last night and it was a hot night. And I was wide awake at five o'clock.
I made toast and watched more "Shameless" before setting off to work.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were saying that there has been heavy shelling in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev from Russian forces. And there have also been drone strikes on Moscow too. The identity of who was taking a poke at Moscow was rather vague, but I must admit I'm surprised that it has taken this long for anyone to take the fight back to the Russians. If no one claims responsibility it will be interesting to see who gets given the blame.
There was also talk about how pubs are despairing for the future as their bills skyrocket. Having heard this I found myself wondering why someone locally would spend a hundred thousand quid on a local pub which has already gone bust recently.
I got to work and did my bit. I could have done with sleeping last night as I felt like death warmed up for much of the day. But being on an early was something of a result – I got out early.
I came home and took the dogs to Orlestone where I took a chance. Morgan has a history of running amok there so rather than our usual walk (which goes too close to the road) we went to the southernmost part of the woods where it is often incredibly muddy. But the mud had pretty much all dried up today. And Morgan didn’t run amok at all today.
With no mud, no dogs needed a bath when we got home. As we got home my phone pinged… a friend request from a rather dubious looking young lady looking rather younger than my children.
Today was a tad dull… I think I shall have an early night and get some kip before the bed is invaded by dogs…


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