24 May 2023 (Wednesday) - A Greenish Tinge

I woke in the small hours to find Bailey fast asleep on head... licking it. I wish she wouldn't. I didn't get back to sleep after that.

I made toast, watched more "Shameless" then had a little look at the internet. There was a minor squabble on one of the Facebook pages I follow. The chap who runs it comes over as being very "precious" and had been called out on it. Everyone can see just how "special" the chap is; why does anyone have to rattle the chap's cage? Some delicate petals are best left alone.
I also saw that my rating on Credit Karma had gone up for absolutely no reason that I could fathom.
There were also emails in my inbox telling me that someone had asked to change the passwords on my Facebook and LinkedIn accounts. Whoever was trying to get in didn’t, but it just goes to show, doesn’t it?
I went into the garden. Yesterday evening I thought the pond had something of a greenish tinge; this morning the filter's input was beginning to choke up with blanketweed. I scraped it all out, had a good wash, and set off to work.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were spouting drivel. I listen to the radio every morning in the desperate hope of keeping abreast of current affairs, but some mornings current affairs are dull. But I chuckled at an interview with Wales's commissioner of police. He'd been wheeled on to talk about the riots in Cardiff earlier in the week. The interviewer tried her normal trick of constantly interrupting the speaker, but this chap wasn't having it. When he started speaking he just kept on going until he'd finished what he had to say, and then left a rather awkward pause whilst he waited for the interviewer to come up with her next question. He *really* made the interviewer uncomfortable; I wish more interviewees would do the same.
I got to work; there wasn't cake. As the day went on I had a message. Yesterday evening on seeing how green the pond was going I ordered some jollop to bung in the pond to sort out the green. It had arrived. That was fast.
Fortunately when I got home “er indoors TM had taken the dogs out so I ran out the drainpipe, connected it up and cleaned out the pond filter prior to bunging the jollop into the pond. Again I was amazed at how quick and easy it was to clean out the pond filter. But I need to find a better place to store the drainpipe. It is rather heavy and unwieldy in the pot I’m keeping it in, and on trying to heave it into its current storage place I pulled something in my back and tripped over one of the dogs who had just arrived home.
“er indoors TM sorted dinner which we scoffed whilst watching an episode of “Taskmaster”. I’ve downloaded the bank and credit card statements… I should sort them out really…

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