17 May 2023 (Wednesday) - Half Day's Leave


I woke far too early again, made toast and watched another episode of Shameless, then had a look at the Internet. Last night a geocache went live not a million miles from work. It was still unfound this morning so I set off on a little geo-mission.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the owners of Vauxhall cars who have got the arse. Apparently making cars isn't a profitable business anymore and so they have formally ordered the government to re-negotiate the Brexit deal in their favour.
It speaks volumes that a commercial company can do this, doesn't it?
Mind you there was also talk about that odious Nigel Farage who had apparently announced that in his opinion Brexit has failed. It's a shame that he didn't listen to those telling him what would happen and how much it would cost each of us personally when he had the chance. The sad part of all this is that (with his history) it can only be a matter of time before he's back on the public stage, can't it.
I got to junction five of the motorway, and eventually found somewhere to park my car. From there it was a half-mile walk along some rather pretty countryside. As I approached where my phone said the cache was I saw some rather obviously trampled down grass around the fence post to which I would have attached a film pot. I soon found what I was looking for, and no one else had signed the paper log before me. First to Find. Go me!!! That’s two hundred and seventy-one First to Finds that I’ve had…
I went on to work and had a cheese scone as a celebratory second brekkie, had something of a thalassaemic morning, and soon it was home time.
Sooner than usual.
For all that “er indoors TM works from home, occasionally she has to go into the office. Today was one such day, and so I took the afternoon off to be on dog duty. Yesterday I mentioned that Morgan (particularly) was rather willful at Orlestone Woods, so in a spirit of scientific investigation we went to Kings Wood to see how he would be. He was as good as gold. Treacle was a minor problem though; not turning down any chance to be belly-deep in a swamp.
We had a little “episode”… well, *we* didn’t. At about the three-mile point of our walk two larger dogs (about the size of cart-horses) appeared seemingly from nowhere. They ran up to the pups and immediately a great game started. Seconds later some chap appeared and was overflowing with apologies about what his dogs were doing… and then he went quiet and seemed to be amazed that the dogs were all playing nicely. So amazed that he took some photos and a little video to show his wife.
We came home, and after “swamp monster” was bathed we all settled on the sofa and watched episodes of “Shameless” whilst the washing machine sorted undercrackers and dog towels.
I really ache now… the morning’s little walk and the afternoon’s bigger walk have taken their toll…

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