28 May 2023 (Sunday) - Pond Plants Before the Night Shift

With no need to be up for anything this morning I slept well. Eventually I got up, set the washing machine going on a load of grubby clothes, made toast and settled down to read this morning’s spate of bitter arguments over utter trivia on the Internet.
People were getting *very* nasty with their opinions on music by Sparks from forty years ago. And other people were being incredibly critical of photos of other people’s garden ponds (whilst being sure not to post any photos of their own).
Mind you the was some rare agreement on the Kent Carp Facebook page where people were talking of setting up vigilante groups who would go round checking for fishing licenses. Pretty much everyone felt this was a good idea… provided that vague groups of “other people” might set up vigilante groups who would go round checking for fishing licenses. Absolutely no way would anyone actually do anything themselves.
As I rolled my eyes at the antics of humanity so the dogs grumbled at the window. Nothing at all was happening outside, but that didn’t stop Treacle growling. And the more she growled at nothing so the more the puppies joined in.
I wish they wouldn’t.
I hung the washing out (never a dull moment, eh?) and we drove to the garden centre for pond plants. As we drove we had a pitched battle with my car’s music player thingy. Sometimes it recognizes the USB stick, and sometimes it doesn’t. As we drove to the garden centre it didn’t.
Navigating round the people playing “silly buggers” in the car park we were soon parked and inside. There were quite a selection of pond plants, but (like everything) they weren’t giving them away.
The car’s music player thingy did recognize the USB stick on the way home.
The lily went into the pond easily enough; I just dumped it in. The marginating plants were a different matter. I’ve got this idea to make the splash pool into a bog garden, but the pots are taller than the splash pool is deep. I shall get some shorter pots, or just new pots and cut them down, and in the meantime if anyone asks why the current pot is so tall, I shall say that the plants are acclimatizing. No one would know what that means, and everyone would just nod in agreement.
We also dumped a small bale of barley into the pond to help with getting rid of the green. Treacle had it out. Twice. She’s taken over guarding the pond from where Fudge left off. But (it has to be said) she guards it a lot quieter than my Fudge ever used to.
I took myself off to bed for the afternoon and slept well… right up to the point at which “er indoors TM went shopping. Then the barking started. I shouted at the dogs to shut up; they ignored me. After ten minutes I came downstairs to find Treacle walking in a circle barking. She saw me and shut up instantly. If ever a dog had an “oh shit!” expression it was Treacle.
I marched all three upstairs and closed the door. All three then slept quietly for two hours.
“er indoors TM is boiling up dinner and once that’s scoffed I’m off to the night shift. This one wasn’t my idea…

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