7 April 2023 (Friday) - Crap Friday

It was a shame that “er indoors TMdidn’t turn her alarm off this morning. I don’t often get chance for a lie-in.
She and the dogs went back to sleep, but being wide awake I got up. I made toast and had a look at the Internet. Facebook was crawling with all sorts of posters and photos and memes about not giving dogs chocolate or hot cross buns this Easter, and the religious and anti-religious were squabbling. But there wasn’t much else going on.
In a novel break with recent tradition a series of geocaches had been published. Forty miles away, but sadly that’s seems to be the best we can hope for these days.
As “er indoors TM sorted her brekkie I put the finishing touches to my current Wherigo project. Most of my previous ones have been linear in that you start at the beginning and work to the end. This one has six zones which you can visit in any order. I’m quite pleased with how this one works, but then I was rather pleased with my “Crystal Maze” Wherigo which probably took more effort than all the other Wherigos I’ve written combined, and the public weren’t at all impressed…
I set off to work with something of a sulk. I didn't want to be working today. If I had my time again I would not work in a hospital, or anywhere that never puts up a "closed" sign.
I took a couple of diversions on the way.
First of all to B&Q which wasn't so much a DIY shop as a day-care centre for unruly brats. Don't parents do *anything* to control their children these days? Kids were sprinting wildly in all directions whilst shrieking like banshees.  I managed to thread my way through them to get some lawn food and a new yard brush (the old one snapped when I was using it as a hammer), and I then joined the queue for the till. That's "till" and not "tills". Some woman member of their staff was trying to get people to use the self-service check-outs, but every time she tried, some chap in the queue for the one till with a human behind it replied (very loudly) that none of us work in B&Q. The chap's got a point. If they want me to do the job of the check-out girl they can either pay me her wages, or give me a reduction on what I'm buying.
From there I went to Biddenden Vineyard to get some beers for tomorrow. I got what looks like an interesting selection. Is it though? I will find out tomorrow (hopefully).
As I was walking out I was greeted with a cheery hello. A fellow hunter of Tupperware. I'd not seen Becky for ages; it was good to catch up. She'd recently walked the geo-series I'd hidden in Kings Wood recently and had quite a lot of good things to say about it.
I then stopped off at the shop in Sissinghurst for a bit of lunch. They don't give the stuff away, but it is usually good stuff that they are knocking out.
And so to work. There was so much else I could have been doing today. Especially as the Bank Holliday on Monday has rain forecast, and the weather today was glorious. I know it was - I could see it out of the window…
With work done I came home. Having been working at Pembury the journey home wasn’t the best. And sadly neither was tonight’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard”…

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