22 April 2023 (Saturday) - Dog Club, Geo Meet

I slept better last night. The snotty nose has gone, and the coughing has pretty much subsided. Sadly, to counteract this all three dogs have taken to sleeping across the bed (rather than down it) in order to maximise space taken up.
I got up, made toast, and had a little look at the Internet. It was still there. There was some really bitter quarrelling about last night’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard” in some of the star Trek related Facebook groups. After nearly forty years involvement in Star Trek fandom, it has always been one big argument; it really does seem that every single person watching the show is watching something very different to everyone else. But these days the most vocal are those who play the video game “Star Trek On-Line” in which you make your own little space ship, and more and more people are getting angry that their little space ship isn’t the star of the show.
I had an email from the pond filter people. Bearing in mind the filter that arrived yesterday was a day late they refunded the postage fees. And they gave me a five per cent refund too. As they should(!) I felt their website was a bit cheeky in that when you logged in it gave you a code to enter at checkout offering a five per cent reduction, but when I came to use the code, it didn’t work.
Being a Saturday we drove the dogs round to Repton Manor. Normally we’d have listened to Steve on the radio, but he was on holiday. Last week his stand-in wasn’t that good, so we left the radio off and listened to my MP3 player instead.
We were early to Dog Club today, and had a rather good time. I like Dog Club in that the people who go know about dogs. Take a little incident today for example. Suddenly everyone’s heads flew round as Bailey started screaming. She was underneath two Great Danes who were bearing down on her. At first sight it looked like there was a tiny dog being savagely attacked by two huge dogs. However in reality Bailey had been playing chase with the two Great Danes, and the screaming on being captured was a total over-reaction. The big dogs then turned and ran off, and Bailey charged after them in hot pursuit. If she was in any trouble or difficulty she wouldn’t have chased them, nor would she have continued the game for the rest of Dog Club.
I can’t help but wonder how many people (who don’t know what dogs are like) see this sort of thing happening and immediately assume the worst?
As “er indoors TM washed mud (and other foul stuff) from the dogs I popped to the shop for croissants which we scoffed with a cuppa, then I had a little measure-up of various buckets to find one to put the new pond filter into.
I then activated the Adventure lab series at Singleton Lake, and we set off to Singleton Barn for the monthly geo-meet-up which (for the sixth time) I was hosting.
It is difficult for me to be impartial, but I think we had a rather good meet-up. Despite there having been only a dozen “will attend” logs, I’m told there were thirty-five people along. It was really good to catch up with old friends and talk geo-stuff with new friends. And I got a hint for a geo-puzzle with which I’ve been struggling for nearly two years.
After a quick bit of shopping we came home, and despite the hint I was still unable to solve the puzzle…

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