1 April 2023 (Saturday) - Family Day


Apart from nearly squishing Bailey when I rolled over in the small hours, the dogs weren’t a problem last night.
I got up, made toast and had a look at the Internet. There was quite a bit of April Fool’s nonsense this morning; more than I remember seeing last year. And I had another dubious friend request on Facebook. This one claimed to be in need of a serious relationship, and in her profile picture was taking her trousers off to reveal rather girlie undercrackers. It has to be said that undercrackers made of lace are rather more feminine than the leather and latex things brandished by the average dubious friend request I seem to get… but nice girls don’t show off their undercrackers.
We got ourselves organized and drove round to Dog Club. Despite the rain having stopped overnight, the field was like a swamp. The usual area in which we congregate was thick with mud, so we all milled around on higher ground… which was also thick with mud. As were many of the dogs.
Treacle had one or two grumps, but tolerated the other dogs reasonably well, and even went and sniffed one or two bums. It was a shame that Bailey and Morgan both escaped the field, but they were both eventually captured and returned.
We drove home listening to Steve on the radio and tried to work out the mystery year competition. From all the clues I had it narrowed down to either 1975 or 1976…It was 1979.
With mud washed from the dogs we settled them and headed off to Folkestone. “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” was having a driving lesson and we had to supervise the littluns. I sat with “Stormageddon – Bringer of Destruction TMwho was showing me his pandemic simulator on the Play Station. He managed to survive one pandemic, but the second one (a tad more virulent) caused a total collapse of civilisation, which he considered to be “a pain in the glass”. “er indoors TM was charged with supervising “Darcie Waa Waa TM who was surprisingly noisy for one so small.
Daddy’s Little Angel TM” returned from her driving lesson, and I drove everyone round to McDonalds for McLunch. There had been talk of going to the Beefeater, but the grandchildren get bored. With Maccy D you’ve had your food, eaten it, and gone in less time than it takes for the waitress in Beefeater to come and take the order.
As it was almost next door we went to “Pets At Home” as Daddy’s Little Angel TM” wanted more tropical fish… Here’s a thought. Is it my imagination or are there far fewer places selling tropical fish than there ever used to be? When we lived in Folkestone (admittedly a lifetime ago) we kept fish and there was no shortage of places to get fish within walking distance. These days there’s “Pets at Home” and that’s it.
We got dog food whilst we were there…
Dropping “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” and her tribe off we came home. I spent a few hours working on my next Wherigo project: “Astronomy for Dogs”. After an age I’d created maybe two minutes of game play.
“er indoors TM boiled up a couple of pizzas which we scoffed whilst watching the last episode of “Outsiders”. I quite liked that show. I wonder what we’ll watch next… It’s not like we’ve any shortage of stuff to watch.

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