2 April 2023 (Sunday) - Before The Night Shift


I slept for over nine hours last night. That was something of a result. I made toast and as I perused the Internet I saw that the geo-Feds have given the thumbs-up to my next Wherigo project, which was something of a result.
There wasn’t much else happening on social media really; had no one done anything yesterday?
With nothing on the agenda for this morning I went into the garden and started that ultimately futile pastime which is gardening. First of all (despite having done so yesterday) I harvested a bumper crop of dog turds, then mowed the lawn. A mowed lawn makes spotting dog turds so much easier. As I mowed I found half a dozen more dog turds that had evaded me earlier.
It is depressing thinking about what a large part of my life is devoted to dog dung.
I then got out the garden vacuum and sorted out the yard, and then got on my hands and knees and weeded the yard and the gravelled  bits of the garden. Despite putting down the weed-resistant membranes, weeds still grow through them.
Next was the cordyline. Its leaves had all gone manky over the winter. Expert advice said to cut the top off and that a new top would grow again. I can’t say I’m convinced, but time will tell; it always does.
Pausing only briefly to hang washing out, I then turned on the pond pumps. There’s an issue with the pond filters in that one run far better than the other. I can’t see any obvious issue, but the slow-running one is the one with the piping from when we originally set the pond up all those years ago. Perhaps the piping needs replacing?
The palm tree looks dead. I shall give it until I’m convinced which way the cordyline has gone.
The monkey puzzle tree has got something of a ladybird infestation. Is this good or bad? Expert opinion is rather vague on the matter.
After three hours the garden looked just the same as when I’d started, but I was feeling rather knackered. I’ve got a list of all sorts of things still to be done in the garden, but they will keep.
I had a shower, and whilst “er indoors TM took the dogs to the park for whistle training I went to bed for the afternoon and had a rather vivid nightmare (afternoon-mare?) in which all the controls fell off of the car as I was driving to work.
Let’s hope that’s not prophetic.
I spent an hour or so on my current Wherigo project, then “er indoors TM boiled up a bit of dinner.
I’m off to the night shift in a bit. And again I’ve spent an entire day before a night shift with a sense of just killing time until I have to go to work, fretting abut having to go to work, and am going to work with a sense of having wasted a day.

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