15 April 2023 (Saturday) - Winchelsea Beach

I woke up feeling rather grim, and wasn’t happy to see the rain outside. I had plans for the morning.
I made toast and had a look at the Internet. It was still there. Lots of geeks were getting incredibly excited about last night’s episode of “Star Trek: Picard” (bless them); no one seemed to realize that what happened in last night’s episode was utterly at odds with what had happened in the last season of the show. I made the mistake of pointing that out on one of the Trekkie-Geek Facebook pages. Several Trekkie-Geeks had theories… it was clear from the theories that few had actually watched the show rather than having read about it on Facebook.
I then spent a little while struggling with a geo-puzzle that I’ve been fighting with for nearly two years. Can you get a longitude and latitude out of this? I certainly couldn’t until “er indoors TM showed me how,
And then I had an email or two. The geo-feds had approved my latest Wherigo project. “Astronomy for (by) Dogs” was live.
Bearing in mind the rain outside was torrential I can’t say I was surprised the dogs didn’t want to go out. I can’t pretend that I did, but I’d offered to open up at Dog Club this morning. Bearing in mind the two hundred and eighty fifth Rule of Acquisition (no good deed ever goes unpunished) I put on wellies and set off to Repton where I expected to stand in the mud and rain. About half-way along Brookfield Road the rain stopped. I can’t say it was a bright morning but there certainly wasn’t any rain on the other side of town. Mind you the rain had put people off – attendance was noticeably down. And within five minutes the immaculately turned-out dogs were just sodden messes.
As I drove home I was rather disappointed that Steve wasn’t on the radio this morning. His stand-in wasn’t of the same standard.
I popped into the corner shop for croissants and pains au choclat which we scoffed whilst I struggled with more geo-puzzles. “er indoors TM scoffed hers whilst she plugged her phone into her lap-top and immediately had a malfunction. Or so the technology told her. Oh I did laugh.
By late morning the weather had cleared up, so we loaded the dogs into the “er indoors TM-mobile and drove down to Winchelsea Beach. As part of this month’s Munzee Clan War, between us all our clan has to munz five hundred of a certain sort of Munzee. A week or so “er indoors TM and I went on a little mission in Maidstone where we got fifty between the two of us. We got another fifty between us today. We had a rather good walk from the car park up to the nature reserve and back; about three miles in total. It was a shame Morgan rather disgraced himself; sometimes he can play too roughly with other dogs.
We had an ice cream each from the ice cream van before we started, and one each when we came back. Have you been to an ice cream van recently? They ain’t cheap… Nearly three quid for a Whippy… but (strangely) only twenty pence extra for a choccy flake in it.
We came back via… I won’t way where it was… we came back via the top-secret location of the geo-puzzle “er indoors TM had solved earlier. Having spent nearly two years trying to find the thing’s location, it was in my hand after maybe a five second search.
We chuckled as we drove home. On the way out the dogs were squeaking and whining and were really excitable. On the way home they just slept.
We came home and flushed with success of having found one fiendishly difficult puzzle cache I wasted a couple of hours getting absolutely nowhere with a few others, then spent a few minutes (best part of an hour) telling so many people about next Saturday’s geo-meet-up that I’m running.
I somehow found myself watching a documentary about Westminster Cathedral. It was rather interesting, but I found myself amazed at how completely out of touch with reality the Cathedral staff seemed to be.
“er indoors TM boiled up fish and chips, and we scoffed it watching Joe Lycett travelling to Cyprus and Vilneus. It was rather good; I liked the way he told you how much all the touristy bits cost. When you (I) go on holiday I know how much the flight and hotel costs, but the rest is anyone’s guess.
I’m still feeling grotty… I’ve not had a cold for ages. This time last year I had Covid and didn’t feel as yuk.

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