11 April 2023 (Tuesday) - Level One (Again)

I woke in a cold sweat following a nightmare in which I had tangled a power kite around pretty much everything it would be possible to tangle a power kite around. I haven't flown one of those things in years; what was that all about?
I got up and had a shave, despite the plughole still being bunged up. "Mr Muscle" and the like don't seem to have been tested on mud washed off of dogs, do they?. I then cracked open a Slimfast shake (I'm fast going off of those), watched an episode of "Shameless" and set off on a pre-work Munzee mission.
I often have a pre-work Munzee mission; today's was frustrating. It is possible to deploy virtual Muzees from a distance. Physical Munzees need bar codes to be actually stuck on to lamp posts by hand, but virtual ones can be done from thousands of miles away. You just call up the location on the app or website, press the "deploy" button and that's it. Job done. However the actual Munzing bit on these involves getting reasonably close to where the things have been deployed. In the case of the ones of the ones I was trying to Munz this morning, that was getting to within fifty yards of the location. This was rather tricky to do when the things had been deployed by someone from hundreds of miles away who had no idea that the locations they were deploying in weren't easily accessible to the general public. Very easily accessible to the people in whose gardens they were, but a bit of a mission for me.
Oh, how I chuckled. Other people have sensible hobbies...
As I headed up the motorway I listened to the drivel spouted on the radio. There was a lot of talk about this week's strike by junior doctors. The idea was that senior doctors would pick up the slack... according to the pundits on the radio a lot of them (the figure of twenty five per cent was quoted) are having prolonged Easter holidays. Are they, or is this BBC propaganda (shit stirring)?
There was a lot of talk about President Biden visiting Ireland today for the celebrations of twenty-five years since the ending of the troubles, but rather than covering anything of interest, the pundits on the radio had a ten-minute retrospective about some comedy show that was on Irish TV at the time. It was a shame that the accents in the clips played from that show were so broad  that I couldn't understand a word that was being said.
And there was talk about how police have seized golliwogs from pubs in Essex. The Home Secretary has said she's told the police not to waste their time on such trivia. The police say she's said nothing. A "he-said-she-said" squabble ensued.
I got to work, and spent much of the day looking out of the window. The forecast rain wasn't happening. I seem to spend an inordinate amount of time sulking about the weather these days. don't I?
As the day went on I had a message from the estate agent who is supposedly selling Dad's house. It seems there's been several people viewing the house... all of whom seem to think the house is a tad small for the asking price. Is it? I have no idea, but that certainly seems to be the consensus view. We've dropped the price. Will it sell? We'll find out...
My phone beeped. We'd hit the first target in this month's Munzee Clan War. Result(!)
And then I went in the loo and hid for five minutes as I had a total melt-down about my Fudge-dog who has been gone nearly two years now. What was that all about?
Being on an early I got home promptly and walked the dogs round the block before the forecast rain started (a tad later than it might have done), and then sat underneath a pile of sleeping dogs until “er indoors TM came home.
Yesterday I mentioned that we started watching “Dreamland”; this evening we binge-watched the last four episodes. Supposedly a comedy it wasn’t really funny, but I like watching stuff filmed in places that I’ve been. If only so that I can get cross when the panoramic shot of the ambulance rushing along the sea front to the hospital is going the wrong way…

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