23 April 2023 (Sunday) - Early Shift


Usually I am the first one to bed in the evenings, and so can secure a decent area of bed for myself before the onslaught. Last night I was last one up and by the time I went to bed everyone else had got themselves a space of their own.  Still, “er indoors TM and the dogs were comfortable last night even if I wasn't.

I made toast, watched an episode of "Shameless", set the dishwasher going then set off through the drizzle to work. As I started off there was "Farming Today" on the radio. Sometimes it can be rather interesting. Today's show had been recorded at a Jewish farm in Orpington and was sadly rather dull. Apparently the farmers didn't approve of any kind of labour-saving devices and made a point of doing farming the hard way and pretending they enjoyed it.
I listened for five minutes, and as the drizzle got heavier and heavier I exchanged listening to religious farmers for listening to Ivor Biggun.  I know which one is more fun.
I got to work to find things weren't as peachy as they might have been, but after a couple of hours, relative calm had been re-established. So much so that I slipped out for a cuppa.
I turned on Facebook and saw quite the argument kicking off on one of the "Remembering the 1970s" Facebook pages. I am fully aware that things in the 1970s were far more sexist and racist that they are today. But those who go on to the various "Remembering the 1970s" Facebook pages specifically to take offence aren't actually those who were in any way offended at the time.  I can't work out what their agenda is; they are all pretending to be outraged at a society which is now long gone.
One of them wound me up on the subject of corporal punishment in schools. I've ranted about this before. In my school if you got out of line the headmaster got out the cane and gave you two of the best. (Not six; two!) One boy had a sore arse for a few hours; a thousand boys behaved themselves for a year. Over the years it has been my experience that those who disagree with this either have no children of their own, or have the most ill-behaved unruly brats.
I also had a friend request from a rather saucy-looking young lady who had photos of her various toys on her Facebook page. Like mine, her toys were plastic. Hers, however... let's just say they weren't Lego.
As I cracked on with work so my phone made a rather strange bleeping and gave me a message.  "This is a test of Emergency Alerts, a new UK government service that will warn you if there's a life-threatening emergency nearby". The government were testing their nationwide emergency alert system.  I can't help but wonder what sort of life-threatening emergency is going to sneak up on me unannounced. Crocodiles or tigers perhaps?
Personally my money's on aliens...
With work worked I drove home through the rain. I suggested the dogs might like to help me feed the fish. The girls came up to the pond with me and had the occasional scrap of fish food; Morgan wasn’t coming out in to the rain.
I then settled in front of the telly, and as David Attenborough harped on about the wonders of zoology so I snored for an hour or so.
I hate doing that…
“er indoors TM boiled up some steak and mushrooms which we scoffed whilst watching Richard Osman’s house of games, and whilst the dogs watched us.
I really should have an early night…

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