4 April 2022 (Monday) - Surprisingly Dull

I was up rather early this morning. Having a rather hopeful idea that I might get a negative rona test I thought I might load up the car, do a quick tip run just as the tip opened, and be on holiday by mid-day. However things didn’t turn out that way.

Seeing myself still diseased I made toast and watched the last episode of “Trailer Park Boys” then loaded up some rubbish for the tip. I drove the long way there via a rather circuitous route along which I Munz-ed fourteen rather dull Points Of Interest.


As I drove I listened to the radio as I do. There was a lot of talk about the ongoing situation in Ukraine. The general consensus of opinion is that the Russians have bitten off far more than they can chew, and the Russian leaders are being accused of war crimes. In the same breath it was made pretty clear that no convictions would likely be made.

There was a lot of talk about climate change. Everyone that the pundits on the radio wheeled on talked about the COP26 conference as though the Ukrainian situation hadn’t left it dead in the water and said that more still had to be done. There was a lot of talk about changing every aspect of our lives and of carbon capture technology.

I got to the tip and as I queued I deployed some jewels as I forgot to do that on yesterday’s Munzee adventure. It wasn’t long before the gate opened, and as I suspected I was pretty much the only person there. I unloaded my rubbish and was away in seconds.


Once home I had a little look-see on-line at the carbon capture technology that the pundits on the radio had been talking about. One of the companies mentioned caught my eye. This Swiss firm uses science to capture carbon dioxide from the air and to turn it into carbonaceous minerals which can stay locked up in rocks. I was impressed. The only problem is there isn’t much profit to be made form this, so I’ve signed up to give them a regular bung to pay for the removal of fifteen kilograms of carbon dioxide each month. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.

I then had my usual look at the Internet. It was still there; much the same as ever.


Finding myself rather bored I did a little bit of ironing then played “Star Trek: Elite Force II” for a while until I got hungry. Over a sandwich I watched a film. “Adventures of a Taxi Driver” was best described as being “on the crap side”. The standing joke of the film was a stripper’s pet python called Monty. Monty would be an apt name for a python, but this one was actually a boa constrictor.


During the afternoon everyone else with whom I was supposed to be on holiday had a rather good walk. I am reliably informed that a fit of bravado the dogs chased a deer.

I spent the afternoon immersed in “Star Trek: Elite Force II”. Whilst it certainly wasn’t what I originally had planned for the afternoon, it certainly passed the time.


I had some toast for dinner then started watching episodes of “Orange Is The New Black”. I originally watched all the episodes four years ago, and realistically needing something to fill quite a few hours this week, it seemed to fit the bill.

Today wasn’t what I’d hoped for. It was dull…

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