12 April 2022 (Tuesday) - A Small Baby

I came downstairs as quietly as I could this morning. I got into the living room and instantly there was a very excited squeaking from both of them. We had five minutes of fuss and cuddles, then went into the garden. Both pups had a tiddle (which I saw as a major result), then we came in where I tried to have a shave. When they weren’t constantly squeaking for a fuss they were into mischief, with Morgan trying to make off with a bath towel before crapping on the living room carpet.

For many years breakfast has been a rather special time for me. A time of peace and tranquillity before the rigours of the day. I expect it will be again in a year or so. However right now breakfast is something akin to trying to eat toast in a maelstrom.

After half an hour’s mayhem both sat on the sofa with me and went to sleep. I didn’t turn the telly on this morning; Bailey doesn’t seem to understand what a telly is, and barks at it. For a tiny dog she is incredibly gobby.

I settled the babies back in their crate and got ready for work.


As I drove up the motorway I was strangely pleased to see queues of lorries parked up along the motorway. If it is being closed to be used as a lorry park, it should actually be used as a lorry park. A shame that no cars were coming down the contraflow bit though.

As I drove so a police car sped past with blue lights flashing, only to find itself stuck behind a white van the driver of which deliberately blocked the carriageway so the coppers couldn’t get past. After a couple of minutes the van got out of the way, but the driver was definitely making a point.


I got to work where I did my bit as best I could. Last week when I actually had COVID I felt a tad under the weather and had a bit of a cough. Today (when testing has proved I’m over it) I felt like death warmed up. I’ve heard that quite a few people have had this; the post infection lethargy is often worse than the disease itself.


As I walked out of work “Daddy’s Little Angel TM” phoned. Apparently she’s got herself moved into a side-room all of her own, and so is now allowed visitors. Did I want to come to see the littlun? And if I did, did I fancy bringing chocolate McMilkshake with me?

The roads home were busier than yesterday, but not as bad as they might have been. I got to the hospital easily enough, delivered McMilkshake, and spent half an hour fussing the littlun. Despite being tiny (less than four and a half pounds), she’s feeding well, and can be quite demanding when she’s not quite finished having a scoff.


I came home to dog mayhem; the puppies have learned to climb the stairs. Well, not the entire staircase but enough stairs that they can go up and get stuck. It can be all rather chaotic when the puppies are charging about, and as is the case with babies the world over, everyone sleeps when they sleep.

I’m worn out with it all.. I’m thinking about an early night and deliberately going to bed rather than waking up on the sofa with a neck ache in an hour’s time.

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