27 October 2021 (Wednesday) - This n That

I didn’t have the best night’s sleep; spending much of it fighting Treacle for bed space. When I finally conceded defeat I got up, did another negative COVID test and made brekkie. As I scoffed it I started watching a new series on Netflix. “Inside Job” kept me amused whilst I scoffed brekkie and rather struck me as a cartoon remake of “Men In Black” – there really is nothing much original on telly these days is there? (That’s probably why “Squid Game” was so popular). A review of the show says  'Inside Job “provides a few hours entertainment but not much else” which made me wonder just what else a cartoon show is supposed to provide. 

I registered my COVID test on-line, sent out three birthday wishes and had a little look-see on-line. The people of Ashford were seemingly up in arms about some dog which had been running off of its lead in Willesborough yesterday. I was glad it wasn’t either of my dogs getting the abuse, but the “Ashford Kent Read All About It” Facebook group isn’t a good one. It is full of incredibly cowardly people who wouldn’t dare to even open their mouths when out and about in public but are full of vitriol and nastiness when safely behind their keyboard and behind a locked door.

I also saw that yesterday evening Kent Police ran a public engagement meeting to tell the world about the measures they are taking to safeguard women and girls whilst out and about locally. I can’t help but feel that Kent police would inspire a lot more confidence if they’d told the world what they were planning to do before the event rather than letting us find out afterwards. I found out from the Facebook page of the local Green party parliamentary candidate who didn’t seem to be overly impressed with what she’d seen at that meeting and had asked for comments from locals. I considered pointing out that the utterly inadequate street lighting throughout the town needs to be removed and replaced, but thought better of saying anything. It is always a good idea to avoid posting to that part of the Internet; you so easily find yourself embroiled in an argument you never started.


Pausing only briefly to collect my rewards (our Munzee clan reached our monthly goal overnight) I got dressed and again walked seemingly miles through effectively unlit roads to where I'd left the car (three streets away) and set off to work.

As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about the NHS Track and Trace scheme. Having cost the nation thirty seven billion quid the thing has turned out to be something of a shambles with less than fourteen per cent of over half a billion lateral flow device tests issued ever having had a result registered. So what is the answer? Personally I'd look at what other countries have done and copy their (far cheaper) schemes.


There was also a lot of concern expressed about the Queen's recent stay in hospital and the announcement that she won't be headlining at the upcoming international COP26 summit in Glasgow. All sorts of speculation abounded... Why is anyone speculating about Her Majesty's condition? She is forty years older than me and I'm knackered. I expect she just needs a rest as she's been overdoing it lately. In any event Prince Charles will probably show up (as her stunt double) as this will probably be his chance to shine. It has to be said he needs one. Climate change might just be the making of him. For years many people have seen him as a bit of a joke and have dreaded his taking the Throne. It may well be that he really will be the right man at the right time?


Despite being rear-ended in the hospital car park I got to work relatively unscathed, and was rather disappointed to find there was no cake for once. But work was work (as it usually is), and an early start made for an early finish (as it usually does).

I came home and took the dogs to the co-op field hoping for a better walk than yesterday. There was a minor episode on the way to the field as some passing mad woman started shrieking “doggies – doggies” at the pups and started making weird kissing sounds at them. Fortunately I managed to get the dogs away from her before she upset them too much, and we did a quick circuit of the co-op field. Pogo got incredibly over-excited at the prospect of a game of “fetch” but lost interest after two chucks, but Treacle seems to be getting the hang of the game.


With walk walked I then fell asleep on the sofa and dozed on and off for a couple of hours. Fast asleep when I want to be awake, and wide awake for much of the night…

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