9 August 2021 (Monday) - Heckington

After a late night I slept like a log, finally waking just after six o’clock. I tried to get back to sleep, but it wasn’t happening. I got up and fought with the cottage’s wi-fi again. I managed to post up yesterday’s photos, but again I had to do it one at a time, which was rather painful.

Eventually I had the photos uploaded, I sent out some birthday wishes, and we scoffed a leisurely brekkie before Karl and Tracey drove Victoria and Jessica to the train station. They were only staying for the weekend and had other things to do this week. It was a shame they couldn’t have stayed. Whilst we waited for them to return we had a rather quiet few minutes. Charlotte and “er indoors TM” had a look at the Internet, me and the dogs had a little sleep.


With the girls safely on the train back to civilisation we set off on a little adventure. With our boots all still wringing wet we left them drying and drove up to Heckington and the eight-sail brewery for a spot of lunch. Paninis and ale. As we arrived so the heaven opened and perhaps the heaviest shower of the holiday (so far) hit. But like all of these showers (and we’ve seen a few!) it went just as quickly as it came on, and we had a good lunch. It was a shame that the dogs had to kick off quite so vigorously at a passing Saint Bernard… But to be fair to the dogs, the Saint Bernard was *huge* and he wasn’t really *passing*. So often these enormous other dogs are with people who march them up close enough to cause upset and then stand there grinning, completely oblivious that the fuss my dogs are making is the fuss they have caused.


With dinner scoffed we had a little wander round Heckington; the wander being led by the local geocaches. There weren’t many. We found all that there were in the town, but some of them were rather difficult hides. I can understand why geocaching isn’t taking off in Heckington; people are giving the hobby a go and finding it too much like hard work.

After an hour or so we were back where we started… at a brewery. So we had another pint then took a leisurely drive back to base past a couple of churches for geo-purposes. At one of them we had a rather tricky field puzzle to solve, but with puzzle solved we drove three hundred yards down the road to find a miniature model church bolted to a tree. Rather impressive.


We came home to find our boots every bit as wet as we’d left them, which was something of a pain in the glass (to coin a phrase) so we hung them out to dry, and sat outside having a pint, a bag of smoky bacon crisps, and some plum loaf. The plum loaf was rather good.

Pausing only briefly to explore the cottage’s outhouses we had a very good dinner. You can’t beat a bit of scampi, followed by strudel with cream and ice cream.

There had been talk of an evening of games, but I had fallen asleep once between scampi and strudel, so an early night was a good move (for me at least).

I took a few photos of the day – and they posted up with no problems (which made a change)

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