25 August 2022 (Thursday) - Before the Late Shift

I made toast and as I scoffed it I saw something on Facebook. The "Pantosaurus" song has been stuck in my head all day... Remember – your pants cover up your private parts!!!


As I drove the dogs to the woods for an early morning walk there was some gay Christian icon being interviewed on the radio who making great show of being gay and of being a Christian. Now I have no issue with the gay community at all. Many friends and members of my family are gay. I have some issues with Christians though; mostly because they don't actually understand what being a Christian is all about... and that is why Gay Christians annoy me so much.

Have you ever read the Bible? I have. I used to be a steward in the Methodist church. It was up to me to hire and fire the vicars. So I know a little bit about the Bible. Much of it is contradictory, and there are a lot of occasions in which for every statement the Bible makes on a subject, there is another saying the direct opposite... except for homosexuality. The Bible is crystal clear on this matter. The Bible thinks it is a big no-no. Gay Christians are going against the direct orders of their God... 

(Personally I'm with the gay community rather than the Christian one here, but read the Bible. Seriously. According to the established teachings of the religion, the two don't mix - if you disagree, don't tell me, tell God!)


We got to the woods and had a walk, and I realised something. Treacle has always been wary of other dogs, but recently she has been a lot braver, standing up for the puppies. But today when the puppies went to say hello to two Spaniels we often meet, Treacle shied away. She did that yesterday too. She's gone back to her old ways;  has she decided the puppies are old enough to stick up for themselves? To be fair they (mostly) don't need sticking up for any more.


We came home, the dogs went to sleep, and I set off on a little mission. Navigating my way through all the road works in Ashford (and there were a *lot*) I eventually got through and out to Canterbury where I picked up a child's garden slide. A straight one. This will form the central part of my next garden project.

From Canterbury I drove through the rain up to Sheerness where I had a little look-see at the stuff in Whelan's. I saw something else that I might need for the next garden project, but wasn't sure, so I contented myself with two garden gnomes and a dragon. It was a shame that some idiot driver forced me to brake so hard that one of the gnomes bashed against the dragon and chipped it...

I then faced something of a hold-up on the A249. There are massive road works at the junction of that road with the M2. Were I the Minister for Transport I'd bring in a rule whereby that if someone digs up the road they have to fix what they have dug up before digging the next bit... There are great swathes of land dug up with no one finishing anything off up there.

I then went to the pond shop in Aylesford having forgotten what happened last time I was there. The obnoxiously rude woman was still behind the till. If there was anywhere else selling pond stuff within striking distance I would have given her two fingers and walked out...


I stopped off for some petrol as I then headed to work. Getting petrol was easy enough; paying for it not so. There was some epically fat woman standing in the doorway to the petrol station's kiosk piddling about on her phone. She was utterly oblivious to the fact that no one could get in or out of the kiosk with her blocking the way. Eventually after several tactful coughs, the chap three in front of me loudly announced "will you get out of the way!" and the woman seemed to wake up with a start. She was obviously shocked to realise where she was and had no idea of the obstacle she had been to everyone. She bustled away apologizing to anyone who would listen.


The rest of the day was rather dull...

(pant - pant - pantosaurus...)

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