8 August 2024 (Thursday) - A Lazy Day

I ached quite a bit this morning; I must have overdone it yesterday. But if “overdoing it” is walking round the woods for an hour or so, painting a few bits of woot and zapping the front yard with a big water pistol, that doesn’t bode well for the future, does it?
I made toast and had my usual look at the Internet as I do. Facebook suggested I might like to join the British Spider Identification Group; I wonder whatever possessed it to think I might have any interest in that?
There wasn’t much else happening on Facebook today really. I had a little Munz, again failed to log in to Credit Karma, and got Wordle on the last attempt.
I took the dogs up to the woods. As we walked we met two other dogs, and played nicely with them. The “episodes” usually happen when one or another dog is on the lead.
After three and a half miles we got back to the car. The car parked next to ours had the door wide open, but no one anywhere near it. What was that all about?
We came home via the pet shop as we needed fish food. I got the dogs a treat each as we were there, and there were free dog biscuits on the counter. They were in the shape of letters of the alphabet. I took one and announced “B for Bailey”. I took another. “T for Treacle”. However when I took “S for Sod” the nice lady on the till got a fit of the giggles.
Once home I watched more “Cunk on Earth”, then wrote up some CPD.  I could have pressure washed the front garden, mowed the lawn, tidied the shed.. I had a lazy day and sat with the dogs watching the Olympic diving on the telly. It was rather dull.
“er indoors TM  came home and we drove up to Sittingbourne for a rather good evening of sitting round talking, drinking, and scoffing pizza. Kebab pizza – who would have thought such wonders were possible?

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