5 August 2024 (Monday) - Rather Busy

We had a rather good day yesterday. As did the dogs getting treats and scraps where they could. Bailey in particular took advantage of what food was going. Arguably too much; for a small dog she threw up a surprisingly large amount of vom on the bedspread at half past three this morning.
I stuck it in to wash and went back to bed where I dozed fitfully.
I got up at eight o’clock, hung out the bedspread and made toast which I scoffed whilst I had my usual rummage round the Internet. Friends had been canoeing in Cornwall, others had been white water rafting closer to home, some had been playing with their band at a local pub, some drinking in Greece… That’s why I like Facebook. I’m nosey.
There was also talk of next year’s Mega-Geo-Event. Apparently it is taking place somewhere near the Severn Estuary in the first week of August. Do I want to go? Quite frankly the camping puts me off. I know from experience how much arse ache setting up a proper campsite takes (as opposed to roughing it in a tent). But it might be fun. I’ll see if “er indoors TM” is up for it.
I had a little Munzee session from the sofa, struggled with Wordle, and got ready for the day.
I took the dogs up to the woods. Steve had mentioned that the A251 was closed, but the closure was further up than Kings Wood; we got to the woods and walked our usual circuit without any problems or episodes. The dogs were as good as gold; no running off or chasing deer.
We came home and I put loads into the washing machine then spent a few minutes putting away all the garden stuff. And with that done I started sawing sleepers into shape. However the saw wasn’t really up to it. It was a tad blunt to begin with, and by the time I’d carved the first sleeper I might as well have rubbed my backside against the wood to cut it.
“er indoors TM” dished out a plate of leftovers from yesterday which I scoffed for lunch, then I went shopping. First of all to the garden centre to get the liner for the new bog filter project. As we came home from paddleboarding last week we had a look at the liners in World of Water at Rolvenden. They wanted thirteen quid per square metre for the stuff, and I need at least six square metres. The garden centre across town did a lump of the stuff three metres by three and a half metres for forty quid. It pays to shop around.
I came home via B&Q to get a saw – they did a “buy one get one half price” deal so I came home with two saws, got the rest of the sleepers chopped in half, and carved half of the waterfall shape. Carving that took two hours; I’ll do the other half tomorrow.
“er indoors TM” boiled up more leftovers then went bowling. I cracked on with the ironing whilst watching something on Netfllix.Cunk on Earthis absolutely brilliant; one of the best things I’ve ever seen on telly.
If you’ve not seen it, give it a go.

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