25 August 2024 (Sunday) - Charing

I woke with backache this morning – usually a sign of a good night’s sleep. Leaving “er indoors TM and the dogs snoring I got up, made toast and had a look at the Internet. This morning’s petty squabbles on Facebook had the same theme; people were posting on the “Bottom” and “Viz” pages claiming to be offended by what was clearly a joke. What are the easily offended doing on such pages?
Some people really do go looking to take offence.
I also saw some friends were having a family weekend camping in Dorset… and had got very wet in yesterday’s rain. We used to camp a lot and it was great fun, but when it rains there’s very little you can do but suck it up.
And a colleague had posted photos of her walk in the countryside. They looked beautiful, but I didn’t recognize where she was. I thought I knew most of the local scenery. Then I realized she was on holiday in Wales.
With the weather having seriously chirped up from yesterday we took the dogs out. We drove up to the sports ground car park in Charing and took a little walk guided by five geocaches. The first one was rather good; rather unusual for these days – just like how field puzzles used to be. And the next four were in surprisingly good shape bearing in mind they’d been put out by a scout group and caches put out for geocaching badges can have something of a reputation. Having said that, this is the second lot we’ve done recently which were put out for geocaching badges, and both lots were rather well done.
I took a few photos as we walked.
After a couple of hours we came home. I hung out the washing I’d put in to scrub earlier, scoffed a bit of lunch and we sat in the garden for the afternoon where I alternately read my book and had a doze.
“er indoors TM boiled up a Sunday roast which we scoffed whilst watching more episodes of “Below Deck” in which the bosun was talking his plonker for walkies. The deckhands he was porking weren’t at all happy about their not having exclusive access to his urges.
I’m sure it’s all staged, but it keeps me amused.

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