19 August 2024 (Monday) - At Work Again

Some nights the dogs arrange themselves sensibly on the beds. Other nights not so. Treacle was sleeping up near the top of the bed last night and Bailey was too frightened to get to her usual space between the pillows. Eventually I sorted them all out, and then lay there wide awake as they all snored contentedly.
I made toast and watched the last episode of “Piglets” which didn’t so much end as fizzled out, then had my usual look at the internet. It was still there. There was mild consternation in the Munzee world in that Flat Lou stopped scattering things yesterday. Having known this was coming I gathered up all the scatters I needed last week, but others didn’t. We’re OK, but others won’t hit their clan targets for the month.
If you go round scanning bar codes stuck to lamp posts, this is rather serious…
I set off to work listening to the news as I do. As I watched nine cars coming down the “HGV only” part of “Operation Brock” the pundits on the radio were interviewing the Children’s Commissioner who was ranting about how many times the police have conducted strip-searches on children with inadequate chaperoning. A lot of fuss was made about the indignities the children faced. But no mention was made about how many of these searches turned up illicit contraband. You’d think that if nothing had been found this would be a major strike against the police, and it would have been shouted to the rooftops wouldn’t you?
This was followed by an interview with the leading light of one of the nation’s coffee shops who was talking about his company’s policy on allergen information on their products. Recently a teenager died from a massive allergic reaction to a cup of hot chocolate she’d bought form Costa. But was that Costa’s fault? Admittedly they had no idea the girl had allergies… but the girl had.
I’m reminded of an old schoolfriend who was diabetic but kept eating Mars bars right up to the point where they killed him.
Perhaps I should stop listening to the news – it only winds me up.
I got to work… and at tea break saw a sign of our times. Colleagues were discussing the phrase “Not all those who wander are lost”. It was originally from Tolkien’s “The Fellowship of the Ring”. One chap (a third of my age) kicked off because he had never seen any of the Lord of the Rings films. He had no idea they were based on books.
Shortly after this my phone beeped with another dubious friend request from someone who apparently comes from Birmingham.
Work was work; today’s earworm was from fifty years ago. Everyone remembers Willy Fogg… no one remembers the cartoon version of Phineas from twenty years earlier. I had this theme tune in my head all day long… and it is still there now.

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