29 August 2024 (Thursday) - Walk, Telly, Laundry

I went to the loo at two o’clock, and in doing so evidently surrendered all rights to any bed space. After a pitched battle with the dogs I eventually secured a six inch wide strip along the edge of the bed to which I clung in terror of falling off for the rest of the night.
Over brekkie I peered into the Internet. There was a question on my old school’s Facebook page – who was your favourite teacher? Interestingly quite a few people were singing the praises of teachers who I felt were out-and-out bullies at the time. One of them who was being praised made the local newspapers when I was at school – for no adequately explained reason one day he randomly ran from his house and kicked a passing dog. I made the observation that many of the teachers were rather nasty, and that you can tell a lot about a person’s nature from the way they treat a fat child (which I was).
There was also a lot of arguments on an atheist group I follow (purely for the arguments) about gay Christians. As someone who was once incredibly religious (I was once a Steward in the Methodist church) I get a tad wound up over the matter. Personally I disagree, but the bible is crystal clear on its’s anti-gay stance. Anyone claiming to be a Christian therefore automatically has to be anti-gay. If they aren’t then they simply aren’t a Christian. You can’t pick and choose which bits of your religion you are going to go with and which bits you aren’t.
Can you?
With “er indoors TM off to the office today I got the dogs onto their leads myself today. We had no issues at all. So often Morgan plays up at lead time; he obviously plays up for “er indoors TM.
As we drove to the woods the pundits on the radio were interviewing some woman who was three months into a three year round-the-world cruise. Sadly for all that she was three months into the cruise, the ship still hadn’t left port. Heaven only knows how much a three year cruise would cost, and to be delayed for three months with still no sign of setting off…
Today we went to Kings Wood for a bit of a longer walk. We had a good walk. There was a minor episode when we saw a young couple with their dogs. On seeing us there was a frantic “oh my god – oh my god” from the bloke as he hurriedly put his dogs on their leads. I said not to bother. He insisted, and the moment his dogs’ leads were attached they went from being pleasant amiable creatures to slavering snarling beasts.
I whistled to my dogs; they immediately followed me.
I walked off feeling rather smug as I listened to the woman ranting at the bloke about how well behaved and well trained my dogs were, and why couldn’t he train his dogs not to be so horrible. I’m not claiming that my dogs are well behaved and well trained, but it is always rather good when they don’t utterly disgrace themselves.
And then as the day outside got too hot to really do anything I cracked on doing the ironing whilst watching more episodes of “Brassic”. Ironing, sorting undercrackers, watching telly, booking the car’s MOT and boiling up dinner. What a way to spend the afternoon.
“er indoors TM came home and we cracked open a bottle of plonk with which we washed down dinner. Dinner wasn’t bad. It wasn’t good, but I never really like anything I’ve boiled up myself.
As we scoffed we watched the last episode of the current series of “Below Deck” in which the bosun porked the deckhand without removing his pants, and the second steward had the arse because the bodybuilding deckhand wouldn’t pork her. The crew below deck are an unmoral bunch.
And then we watched the most recent episode of “Race Across the World” in which one of the contestants revealed that his mother was celebrity Jade Goody. It didn’t make me warm to him though…

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