17 August 2024 (Saturday) - A Busy Day

There was a minor disaster when I sparked up my lap-top this morning. No connection to the Internet. How was I going to survive? It was the end of the world. The connection re-established itself within seconds, but those seconds were rather worrying. Similarly worrying was a notification that the leader of my old Boys Brigade company had liked a photo that I’d posted on Facebook – the chap died four years ago.
I saw my brother was off to watch the football. An hour’s drive from Hastings to get the coach at Brighton, and then three hundred miles to Liverpool. I can’t see the attraction, but I know I’m in the minority.
This morning’s argument was on the “Lost in Space” Facebook page where it was claimed that the robot in the show was too tall to fit through the spaceship’s door. There was an impressive squabble going on with a lot of name-calling on both sides. Sadly no one ever thought to resort to getting a photo of the robot by the door to prove the issue one way or another.
We drove round to Dog Club. Usually as we drive we listen to Steve and struggle with the competitions. However he wasn’t on this morning, and his stand-in wasn’t the same.
Dog Club was fun. It started of a tad on the dodgy side with several of the dogs being quarrelsome, but they all soon settled.
We had one new dog along. Only one. Again during the week we’d had a few people asking endless questions about coming to Dog Club, but none of them showed up. I’m seriously thinking of replying to all enquiries along the lines of “either turn up and you will be very welcome, or don’t turn up and don’t waste my time with endless enquiries about a meeting to which you have absolutely no intention of turning up”. Harsh? Perhaps. But I’d say that for every new member who turns up we have about a dozen streams of question after question from people who never show.
We came home and had a cuppa, then set off to Ripple for the monthly county geo-meet. As well as being the county geo-meet, today is (was) International Geocaching Day and in a novel break with tradition I wasn’t working. Today is my twelfth International Geocaching Day, and over the years I’ve been working on ten of them.
With a few minutes spare we stopped off at the church by the meet and found the geocache there, Inside that was the co-ordinates of another geocache. We walked across a footpath to get that one…
Oh dear.
As we walked the footpath so we walked past a campsite where all sorts of normal people were camping. I say “past”; “on the other side of the fence from” would be a far better description. Sadly one of the half-witted children on the campsite saw the dogs, screamed “DOG!!!” and sprinted at Morgan and Bailey. It was totally through luck that the idiot child didn’t trample Bailey underfoot in its uncontrolled excitement. It was as well that he took being told to f… off in the spirit in which it was intended.
From there we went on to the geo-meet. We started off with ice creams. I got one for me and for “er indoors TM, and bearing in mind there was a big sign advertising dog friendly ice cream I asked for some for the dogs. The chap on the counter said they didn’t do dog friendly ice cream. I asked about the sign; he called over the manager who said that everyone asks about dog friendly ice cream but they don’t do it. I explained they had a sign advertising the stuff; she looked at me as though was stupid.
We then walked over to where the geo-meet was happening. Despite a rather shaky start we had a good meet. Talking Tuoperware with like-minded friends whilst pouring beer down my neck is always a good way to spend the afternoon.
We came home where I fell asleep for a bit. It wasn’t long before Chris, Steve and Sarah were with us, and after a quick bit of KFC we had a rather good games night on the Infinity Table. A game of “Sorry”, a game of “Game of Life” and rounding it off with “Ticket to Ride” made for a good evening.
Today’s been rather good… And I took some photos.

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