31 August 2024 (Saturday) - Quiet Day

I had a pitched battle with Treacle at 3am which ended with her being forcibly hoiked off the bed. And then Bailey started a coughing fit.
I gave up trying to sleep, got up and looked out of the kitchen window at the rain. The Met Office and the BBC both assured me it wasn’t raining. So it wasn’t. I have it on good authority that, like the Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, the BBC weather forecast is definitive. In cases of discrepancy, reality has it wrong.
I had a few emails. Someone had found some of my geocaches in Kings Wood… another name to add to the list of people who cheat at Wherigos. When you do the series of Wherigo geocaches that I’ve made you only get the location of the first one. You get the other locations sequentially as you do them one at a time. Unless you use a cheat program. You can tell when someone does that when they randomly log “found it” on one of the random Wherigos which happen to be in line with the other ones they are logging.
And these people openly complain that the trouble with finding the things the way they do (i.e.by cheating) means they don’t get the hint that people get when not cheating.
There’s a list of those who’ve found the most geocaches in the UK here. Not only have these people not hidden that many of their own, several of them are Wherigo cheats.
I suppose it is an utterly trivial point. They are only cheating themselves… But it boils my piss that I put so much effort into creating a fun little game for these people to play and all they want is to find a film pot.
I took a deep breath and we set off for Dog Club. Then we came back home to pick up the money pot I’d forgotten. Last week we had a poor turn-out, heavy rain, and a newbie with attitude. Today it was dry, over twenty dogs along and everyone had a good time. There were one or two spats, but there’s over twenty dogs there. What else could anyone expect? Fortunately everyone there knew what dogs were like. The spats were over as quick as they started. And serious serial offenders had enforced time-out on their leads. There were three such miscreants today. Morgan, Pogo and Bailey. Bailey has been rather odd just lately; with Pogo staying with us for a couple of weeks Bailey has been rather cocky. She knows that she can bother bigger dogs and if it all kicks off Pogo will come in on her side. And so she terrorized a larger (but oh-so-timid) dog called Milo.
We’ve two Milos at Dog Club. Also two Lilys, two Diesels two Baileys… I have no idea of the names of the people who come along, but I know all the dogs.
I took a few photos of the mayhem.
We came home via the co-op for buns. I then spent the morning farting about with the Dog Club’s Facebook group page. Updating the “about” info and information on how to pay took a little while. The information has always been there, but so many people keep asking the same questions. Hopefully it will all be a little more obvious now. Mind you out of every dozen that enquire maybe one turns up.
“er indoors TM set off to see family. Bearing in mind nephew has a big dog I thought it best not to take our lot along. And also bearing in mind that Treacle screams when left for any length of time I stayed home with the dogs.
I got the lawnmower out and mowed the lawn. Then rolled out the pond hose and cleaned out the pond’s pressure filter. Then pruned some of the pond’s water cress.
By then I was worn out so I sat on the sofa under a pile of dogs and alternately watched episodes of “Brassic” and had a little sleep.
I’ve not really done that much today. But I’ve had a good day.

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