11 August 2024 (Sunday) - Too Hot

We had a vague plan to go to the geo-meet which was taking place at Challock at half past nine this morning.. but not getting out of bed until after nine o’clock put paid to that idea.
I made toast, dropped it on the floor, and scoffed it anyway whilst peering into a very dull internet. Apart from a photo of one of the bosses in the hot tub quite obviously in the nip there wasn’t anything else at all going on on-line. I pondered as to what a Munzee scatter event was, and in a novel break with tradition got Wordle on the second attempt.
With silly-hot temperatures forecast for the afternoon we thought we might get a little walk in this morning so we drove down to Ruckinge, parked up by the canal and walked across the fields hunting out four geocaches.
We had a good walk. On the way back we came through what looked to be a metal detectorist’s rally; about thirty cars were parked at the bottom of the field in which the Bilsington Monument stands, and loads of people were wandering the freshly-ploughed field brandishing their detectors.
We got chatting with one chap who had unearthed three strange metal lumps.
From the detectorists the path came along the canal. Treacle went in a few times. She loves the water.
We got back to the car and came home. I ran out the hose pipe and topped up the ponds; they’ve been rather suffering with evaporation in the heat recently. And I cleaned out the big pond’s filter too. When I had the filter boxes this was a job which took an absolute age to do. It was physically hard work and smelly too. With the new pressure washer the thing is done in five minutes. It takes far longer to set up the hoses and put them away than it does to actually clean the filter..
I bionically burned the dandelions in the garden, then dozed for much of the rest of the afternoon feeling rather ill. Too much sun earlier, perhaps?
“er indoors TM sorted a light dinner which we scoffed whilst watching the celebrity Bake-Off. I say “celebrity”; I had no idea who any of them were.
It’s supposedly going to be even hotter tomorrow… Given the choice I’d rather be far too cold than far too hot, but I’m not given the choice.

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