12 August 2024 (Monday) - Still Too Hot

I slept surprisingly well bearing in mind how hot it was last night. It was far too hot as I gathered dog turds at eight o’clock this morning.
I made toast as I do, and peered into the Internet. There was quite a bit of consternation being expressed over how the Munzee game had been running slowly to the point of being unusable over the weekend. GPS games do that. In theory great fun; in practice the technology simply isn’t up to it. At least with geocaching there is a sort-of offline mode but the offline mode in Munzee was deliberately turned off some time ago in what was billed as an upgrade.
There was also consternation on the pond-related Facebook pages in which people were getting incredibly aggressive about whether or not you should change vast amounts of pond water on a regular basis. I try to keep out of those squabbles; there is no sense to them. The very people who fanny around testing the pond water and getting every chemical to a precisely controlled level regularly then chuck out much of their supposedly perfect water and replace it with heaven only knows what and then fart around with all sorts of chemicals trying to get the balance right again.
Quite a few people were posting photos of their weekend at the beach. Personally I’m not a fan of days at the beach. There is absolutely nothing to do but sit and get sunstroke, and unless you are prepared to pay extortionate prices from the stalls hundreds of yards away you are restricted to whatever refreshments you lugged along with you. But as always I’m in the minority. Thousands of people love the beach. So many that tickets for beach car parks in Sussex had sold out by half past eight this morning.
Usually I would take the dogs up to the woods after brekkie, but the temperature was already twenty-five degrees, and looking set for twenty-seven degrees when we would be finishing our walk. So we skipped our walk for today. I put a load of washing in to scrub, and cleaned the glass of the fish tank instead. The entire tank needs stripping out and scrubbing, but I’ll do that some other time when it isn’t so hot.
I then wrote up some CPD. After a while the washing machine beeped. It took five minutes to hang out the washing, and that was five minutes too many.
With it being far too hot to do anything at all I sat on the sofa and cracked on with something I’ve been meaning to do for some time. Many years ago I worked in a rather nasty place. Management was done by bullying, and at the time I wrote a few diary entries about episodes at the place. Following getting a formal written disciplinary warning for bringing the place into disrepute (after posting a selfie at six o’clock in the morning and saying I was tired) I self-censored a lot of what I’d written. But none of it identified any individuals, and all of it was true. And it was a long time ago now. And I’ve not worked there for many years. So today I spent a few hours un-censoring; I’d kept copies of my original blog entries.
Looking back I think I quite possibly had grounds for a case of constructive dismissal, but hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn’t it?
As I edited I read the old diary entries and reflected on how things in my life were about fifteen years ago. I went fishing and drank a lot more back then. The astro club was still fun and there was talk of building an observatory. Kite festivals and beer festivals featured highly in the itinerary, and my life was dog-free. Was it better back then? Work certainly wasn’t, but as for the rest… I think the best word I can use is “different”.
After five hours I finished getting the changes made to my backup site done. What with copying and pasting a lot of the pictures were lost after uploading and it look a little while to put right. I’ll sort up the main Blogger site another time.
I got out the watering can and had a go round the garden. The sun had gone down somewhat so the plants were in shade, but it was still twenty-nine degrees as I got the washing off of the line. By the time I’d fed the fish the sweat was dripping from me, and I’d only been outside for ten minutes.
“er indoors TM boiled up a good bit of dinner then went off bowling. I cracked on with the ironing and watched something I’d recorded over the weekend. I can distinctly remember “Confessions of a Window Cleaneras being rather good fun.
It hasn’t stood the test of time; it was rather crap.

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