17 December 2021 (Friday) - Tired

Having spent much of yesterday evening falling in and out of sleep on the sofa I went to bed at eleven o’clock where I slept for two hours. I woke at ten past one, and after laying wide awake for three hours I gave up trying to sleep and got up. Insomnia is such a pain in the glass. I’ve read all the books about it; I’ve been to the hospital and seen the sleep specialist. I don’t have caffeine after late afternoon; I don’t fiddle with the phone before bed… If I have an alarm set I just don’t sleep.

I got up just after four o’clock, made toast and watched the second half of the episode of “The Witcher” that I started watching yesterday. It is a rather good show. Bloodthirsty in places and (just perhaps) too many nudey ladies without any clothes on (if such a thing is possible), but very entertaining.


I then sparked up the lap-top. I saw that Ocie Bailey (the porn-monger who had sent me a rather saucy message earlier in the week) was still peddling filth, and I had a message from “Forest Luster Luther Lannie” who apparently doesn’t wear clothes any more and then went into rather graphic detail about what he, she or it was imagining.

There were several whinges about shortages of COVID lateral flow test kits on Facebook; this would seem to be the latest shortage brought on by panic hoarding. The Health Secretary was on the radio earlier in the week and he was adamant that there were tens of millions of the things available. Now you can’t get them for love or money. Toilet roll, petrol, Walker’s crisps, lateral flow kits… what will be next?

My antivirus thingy then told me that my Kickstarter password had been hacked and I should change it. It turned out the hack was seven years ago… I changed it anyway. My password for MyFitnessPal had also been hacked… if anyone wants to go in and look at what I was eating a few years ago they are welcome to.

I sent out some birthday wishes and set off in the general direction of work…


With two hours before sunrise it was still very dark as I drove west-wards on the car’s first visit to Pembury. But my car's music/radio/information display thingy was working this morning which was something of a result.

The pundits on the radio were talking about yesterday's by-election in Shropshire in which the Conservatives lost a safe seat which they have held for over two hundred years. There were those seeing that as a resounding thumbs-down for the Prime Minister. There were those who saw this as retribution for the old MP having been caught out breaking the rules. No one seems to have seen it as what it is - with the Labour party in disarray (as always) it was a resounding triumph for the least crap alternative which in this case were the Dribbling Democraps.

There was also talk about how the police are going to be speaking to two of the people who supposedly broke lockdown rules and were part of the Christmas parties at the Conservative party headquarters last year. Apparently only two people are going to be contacted... I can't help but wonder why the Old Bill aren't going to speak to everyone who was in the photos that have been released.


I got to work in the dark and did my bit And with my bit done I came home again. I’d driven to work for over an hour in the dark. I drove home for longer (as the roads were busier) in the fog and twilight. I think I’d rather drive in the dark rather than the twilight given the choice, but I’m not given the choice. As I always say I like working at Pembury; I just don’t like going there (or coming back again)


Once home I took the dogs round the block for a walk. As we walked we met a young lad. Probably about eight or nine he politely asked if he could stroke the dogs, asked their names, and with dogs stroked he thanked me for letting him stroke them and said “have a good evening sir”.

I was impressed.


“er indoors TM” boiled up a good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching British week on “The Great Australian Bake Off” in which the Aussies had some very strange ideas about what goes on in Britain… and then I fell asleep in front of the telly. I hate that …

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