21 June 2023 (Wednesday) - National Dachshund Day (after the night shift)

Last night’s shift was one of the easier ones… of these days. Back when I first started night shifts were far easier though. We would be called in to work from home for emergency cases, do our bit and then go home again. I can remember my first ever night shift in August 1985 when my last call ended at half past midnight and I then lay awake all night waiting for calls than never came. I didn’t count the work last night but there were far too many blood samples to be called about each individual one. With no more than fifteen minutes (at most) between each time I had to do something last night, I probably had over fifty blood samples between midnight and the arrival of the early shift, and got a break (for a sandwich at three o’clock) by just walking out for ten minutes.
And back in the day I would have worked a night shift (from five pm until nine am) having worked the previous day and having been expected to work the subsequent day too.
How times have changed.
As I drove home the pundits on the radio were talking about the latest inflation figures that have been released. They were far worse than anyone had expected. Two (so-called) experts were wheeled on. The first explained the pickle the country is in, and outlined the measures needed to lower inflation. The second then explained (in great detail) how the first was wrong and expounded a complete opposite approach to the first. The first then effectively said that the second was talking out of his arse and the “discussion” went downhill from there.
There was also talk about how the world has been asked to bung even more money at Ukraine. When you consider just how many wars are raging across the world at the moment you have  wonder about why the conflict in Ukraine get pretty much absolutely all of the coverage.
Because the West wants a fight with Russia?
I got home and went to bed. The puppies came with me and we all dozed for three hours after which I got up for a late brekkie. As I scoffed, Facebook told me about friends who were having birthdays today. One of whom was twenty-eight today… Twenty-eight!! I remember visiting him on the post-natal ward at the hospital on the day he was born.
Where do the years go?
“er indoors TM had lunch break and we all went to Orlestone Woods for a little walk. We had a good walk; but (it has to be said) we could have done without the wallowing chest-deep in stagnant swamps. So with walk walked we came home and as “er indoors TM carried on working so I scrubbed dogs.
No day after a night shift is complete without ironing, and as I ironed I watched three episodes of “Shameless” before falling asleep on the sofa.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit od scran which we scoffed whilst watching another episode of “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds” which was also rather good.
I quite like night work in that I get time at home during the week like I had this afternoon… if only it didn’t leave me quite so tired.
Oh – did you know that today was National Dachshund Day? I didn’t.

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