12 June 2023 (Monday) - Before the Night Shift (Dull!)

Another restless night; it was too hot. And having Treacle and Morgan kicking off because someone was talking next door at three o’clock didn’t help.
With a hot day forecast I took the dogs out for an early walk. As we drove to the woods the pundits on the radio were talking about the resignation of Boris Johnson over the weekend. Having seen the evidence against hm in the Partygate” scandal he’s got the arse and feels everyone is ganging up on him. Are they? Possibly. But from a personal point of view my mother lay dying in the hospice and was only allowed one visitor at a time because of Boris Johnson’s COVID rules, whilst the that bloke had been pissing it up at work-based parties.
We got to the woods and had a good walk. As we went round we met a staffie and had a good game of chase… until it was Bailey’s turn to be chased when she collapsed in a heap screaming. She does that. She is very happy to go up to big dogs and chase them, but she screams in terror when she is chased.
The poor chap with the staffie was mortified; I had to explain that there had been no contact, his dog had done no wrong, Bailey was fine.
We came home for a late brekkie, and all dogs were soon fast asleep. I made toast and was rather miffed to see that although I’d loaded the washing machine before we went out, I’d not set it going. I pressed the “start” button and had a look at the Internet as my undercrackers washed, then spent a couple of hours pondering geo-puzzles. Some took more pondering than others. I’ve always said that some people who hide geocaches want their caches found, and some don’t. Some that I struggled with today were certainly in the second group.
An afternoon in bed (if not asleep), a little more geo-puzzling then I’m off to the night shift in a bit. Can’t say I want to go, but it could always be worse…

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