18 September 2022 (Sunday) - Early Shift

About half an hour before the alarm would have gone off Treacle woke me with her crying. I asked if she wanted the toilet, and she flew downstairs like a bullet from a gun. Together with the puppies we went into the garden where Treacle released a rather impressive (if you are impressed by such things) bout of dire rear. Good girl for taking it outside.
With dogs settled I made brekkie and watched another episode of “Better Than Us”, then tuned in to the live feed (on the BBC Parliament Channel) of all the people filing past the Queen’s coffin. For all the talk that you could carry nothing in, quite a few were carrying handbags, back packs and all sorts of rubbish. And few had dressed for the occasion. Most really did look as though they had dressed to go clean out the shed. You would have thought they’d have tidied themselves up a bit for such an occasion… wouldn’t you?
I sparked up the lap-top and my piss boiled when I read a posting on the Kent Dachshund group. There was a picture of one of the dogs from yesterday’s meet who was supposedly unhappy after “the pug had had a go at him” at yesterday’s meet-up. There was only one remotely pug-ish dog there, and for all that Treacle had snapped at a couple of other dogs, she hadn’t nipped or made contact in any way with any other dog, and had only ever reacted when the other dogs made a point of pushing right into her face. There was another dog mentioned by name who had supposedly had also “had a go”, but the only “goes” I saw were the usual petty squabbles of dogs that are over as quickly as they start. I had thought that everyone at yesterday’s meet knew what dogs are like; if nothing else I now know one dog (and owner) to avoid. I thought about posting up a comment to correct the accusation, but thought better of it. It would achieve nothing but to fan a squabble which would otherwise be forgotten in minutes.
And I had a little sulk when I saw that I’d missed the first of the year’s bonfire parades last night.
Taking care to let sleeping dogs lie I got ready for work, and seeing it was light outside and that certain dogs (Bailey) were sleeping, I zoomed round the garden with a bowl and trowel gathering dog dung before certain dogs (Bailey) went out for an early breakfast (dogs are foul creatures).
As I drove to work there was an article on the radio about coral reefs. This sort of thing makes for good viewing on the telly, but rather dull listening on the radio, so I turned on my music and sang along to "Ivor Biggun" as I drove to work.
I stopped off to get petrol on the way, and made the mistake of asking if they would be open tomorrow morning (as I might need a sandwich for work). The woman on the till actually did look me up and down, then peering down her nose at me (quite literally) she told me (in a very patronising tone of voice) that absolutely no one at all is working tomorrow because it is the Queen’s funeral.
One lives and learns. I thought it best not to suggest that she might be mistaken.
I went in to work and got on with that which I could not avoid, grumbling that I would rather not have been working. Half-way through the afternoon my phone beeped; my colleague who worked the morning with me had gone down the pub and had met another colleague. The two of them said they were having a beer for me…
I came home, and had a little pootle in the garden, and then Brian and CA called in for a cuppa. They only stayed for an hour, but the time flew by. It was so good to catch up; we can’t have seen each other for over five years. Really mustn’t leave it so long again.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we washed down with an incredibly good bottle of wine (Aldi - £3.50!). Described as “fruity and elegant” it was certainly one of the better wines I’ve ever had.
As we scoffed and drank we watched last week’s episode of “Bake Off”.
The bits of today when I wasn’t working weren’t bad at all… a shame I’ve got to work tomorrow…

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