29 August 2023 (Tuesday) - Dull Day At Work


I was up far too early again this morning. I’d been laying wide awake in desperate need of the loo, but not daring to go because getting up would mean surrendering the precious little bed space that I had.
I eventually got up and watched another episode of “Shameless”. I do like the show, but the writers don’t do their homework. In the previous episode the gangster family supposedly set up a blood bank in their kitchen using freezer bags to hold the blood. Seriously? And the plot of today’s episode involved a very junior trainee pharmacy technician being able to regularly steal large amounts of prescription drugs. Again – seriously?
I then had a look at Facebook as I do. Someone had posted to the Facebook page of the Gran Canaria hotel we went to last year slagging the place off. Someone else had posted to one of the Lego groups I follow trying to laugh at someone for spending money on a rather expensive Lego set. Both had obviously started off thinking they were the voice of the majority; both had been rather bluntly told to get knottted by the majority, and both had promptly left the “discussions”. However despite their having left it (and consequently being unable to see any further comments on their postings) there were still no end of people queueing up to join in the petty bickering.
I set off to work… or tried to. The cars in front and behind my car weren’t the ones that were there when I parked it on Sunday. The one behind had left me about a foot or so of space; the one in front had left perhaps six inches. There certainly wasn’t room to walk between the cars.
After a little to-ing and fro-ing I got out.
As I drove the pundits on the radio were talking about how there is to be a revolution in the treatment of type two diabetes in the under forties following the revelation that people aged under forty with type two diabetes seem to have really bad disease progression pretty much immediately after diagnosis. This obviously gave rise to two possibilities. Either people are not getting diagnosed soon enough, or the current treatment is causing the disease progression. The expert being interviewed didn’t want to answer these points…
There was also a lot of air-time spent on the head honcho of football in Spain. The chap got rather excited when the Spanish team won the women’s world (football) cup last week and kissed one of the players. From what I can work out this was a spur-of-the-moment thing caused by the excitement of the moment and could (and should) have been forgotten about as soon as it happened. But a week later there’s consternation all around the world about the matter. The poor chap seems to have only one ally worldwide (on reflection I think I shall remain neutral!); his mother, who is currently in some church somewhere having a hunger strike in his defence.
Work was rather hard work today Even though there was cake, I was rather glad to get home.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good dinner which we washed down with a bottle of plonk whilst watching more episodes of “Bake Off: The Professionals”. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t have walked out of the Harbour Restaurant’s kitchen in early September 1981 but stayed on and studied cooking rather than blood testing… Could I have ended up on “Bake Off: The Professionals”? Possibly…

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