22 August 2023 (Tuesday) - Having a Rest

My morning routine was much the same as ever… up until I turned on the lap-top. Amazingly no one was squabbling with anyone else at all this morning.
I then spent a few minutes getting the dogs onto their leads. Morgan is getting quite troublesome before a walk; he simply doesn’t want to go out. Once we are on the walk he obviously has a great time. And if he doesn’t get a walk he is like a fractious toddler. But before we go out he runs from the lead and hides and clearly doesn’t walt to go.
As we drove to the woods the pundits on the radio were talking about the government’s announcement that they are spending a million quid to “support children attending schools in disadvantaged areas across England to learn and play chess, improve visibility and availability of the game and fund elite playing”. There were those who felt this was a lot of money… mostly these were those who were too thick to understand how to play chess. After all, this million quid is just pissing in the wind compared to how much the government spends on sports.
There was also talk about how the International Chess Federation has banned trans women (biologically men) from competing in women-only chess competitions. The head honcho of the English Chess Federation was wheeled on who made the point that the top one hundred chess players in the world are all men and made a rather good defence of the decision… Even though the English Chess Federation don’t agree with it and aren’t implementing it.
We went to Kings Wood today and went on a longer walk than usual. At Orlestone unless we walk in circles and back-track a lot it is difficult to get more than a three-mile walk in. I have a series of geocaches in Kings Wood on a (sort-of) circular walk of eight and a half miles. Today we did a walk of four miles. As we went we met three other dog-walkers; all within half a mile of the car park. We walked for an hour and a half, had had a really good (if uneventful) walk.
With walk walked the dogs were soon fast asleep in their baskets. I got pastries for me and “er indoors TM, and once we’d had them (with a coffee) I went on a little shopping mission.
When I left home (in September 1984) one of the very first things I got for myself was a fish tank. I’ve always had a fish tank. My current one is rather old and tired and just a tad too small. I would like one which has a footprint about six inches bigger in both directions, but is the same height as the current one.
I couldn’t find one.
I also need some sort of a huge hose-reel thingy for the pipe I use for cleaning the pond filter. I couldn’t find one of those either.
I came home. I had all sorts of ideas for things to do in the garden but it was a very hot day, and the physical effort of the last two days had taken their toll. So I sat on the sofa (with Bailey) and watched episodes of “Four in a Bed” in which a pub, a holiday complex and a hotel totally thrashed some posh woman who lets out bedrooms as a hobby.
And then the doorbell rang. The nice bathroom man came to measure up. Our current bathroom is a bit tired; my Dad installed it as a moving-in pressie some time in the early 90s. It is time for a new one. I’m dreading seeing the estimate, but what is money for if not to squander foolishly?
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of curry which we washed down with a bottle of hock whilst watching a rather good episode of “Lego Masters: New Zealand”. And then we watched Sky Arts’ “Landscape Artist of the Year”. This programme really is “The Emperor’s New Clothes” of our era.
Some of the paintings were *very* good.
Some really were pathetically awful; my eight year old grandson really could do better, and has done so.
Sadly no one was brave enough to say “that painting is truly crap”, and to ask who the (so-called) artist has porked to get on to the show.
I’m told that doing so is bad form…


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