23 August 2023 (Wednesday) - Early Shift

I woke in a panic at half past two this morning following a nightmare in which I'd been implicated in a plot to assassinate the Prime Minister. It had all been a horrible mistake stemming from My Boy TM's plan to kick Boris Johnson up the arse whilst shouting "Take that, you smarmy f...er!", but somehow it all went wrong, the kick was a tad too vigorous (and went up the wrong arse) and suddenly we had a dead PM on our hands (or foot, to be precise).
I didn't get back to sleep after that; the dogs were taking up far too much bed space for three small dogs, and each was radiating slightly more heat that the summer sun.
I got up shortly after five o'clock, made toast and watched another episode of "Shameless". Thinking that there can't be many more episodes of that left for me to watch, I had a look on-line.
I've got twenty-six more to go.
And with telly watched I had a look at Facebook as I do. Yesterday it had been quiet, today there was something of a fight happening on a page devoted to strange things found on Google Street View. Some (rather thick) woman had looked up the place at zero degrees north (or south) and zero degrees east (or west) and was rather surprised to find it was in the Atlantic Ocean. Thinking this location had been chosen as the starting point for longitude and latitude she asked "What idiot chose this random place?". But sadly in doing so she gave a classic demonstration of the old adage "it is better to remain silent and be though a fool than to open your mouth and remove all possible doubt".
People weren't being kind to her.
Having had a couple of rostered days off, it was back to work for me today. As I drove up the dual carriageway which is the M20, I listened to the radio (as I do). It would seem that there is quite a bit of consternation in Russia in that criminals can volunteer for service in the army in the ongoing war in Ukraine, and after a few months then be released from both the army and their prison sentence. And so are free to go and make miseries of the lives of decent people who had been glad to see them being locked up.
And there was talk of the armada of small boats bringing illegal immigrants across the channel from France. (Note that these people are "illegal immigrants" and NOT "refugees"; they stopped being "refugees" the moment they set foot in mainland Europe and became safe). It was alleged that the French authorities aren't keen to chase after the small boats once they've left France for the UK.
Of course they ain't. Once they've left France, the French are rid of a problem, aren't they? Why did the French put the immigrant facilities at Calais on the north coast (from where you can see the UK) rather than on the south coast at Marseilles?
I got to work for the early shift and had a fairly good day but was still glad to come home. I took the dogs to Orlestone Woods where we had a very good walk. We went on a rather long walk (for Orlestone Woods) but despite walking for over an hour only saw two other dog walkers, and both of those withing a minute’s walk of the car park.
We did “boot dogs”; we came home. “er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whilst watching more “Lego Masters: New Zealand”.
I do like that show… if “Lego Masters: UK” returns I wonder if I could sort out a team mate…

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