28 July 2023 (Friday) - Another Early Shift


I woke finding myself tangled up in the hose from my CPAP device. In between extricating myself and knocking it on the floor I managed to wake Morgan, who was not at all impressed by the commotion.
I couldn't get back to sleep after that.
Every morning I turn the telly on before I start the toast going. Sometimes the Sky-Q box wants to update itself and that can take an age. This morning it didn't, and as I made a sandwich for lunch I listened to the infomercials that are broadcast at silly o'clock. Toda there was one about a certain brand of garden products, all of which are powered by the same battery. The presenter was waxing lyrically about the advantages of this battery and how brilliant it was, how much in love he was with this battery, he'd already taken it home to meet his mother and was planning to get married to it in the near future.
This was followed by another infomercial about a wireless charging gadget. Voiced by the same presenter it went on about how all batteries are a load of crap, there's not a good one on the planet, and only a half-wit would every use anything that was battery powered.
I wonder if the makers of these two adverts realise this presenter is clearly happy to say that shit is sugar if paid enough. 
I watched an episode of "Shameless" then had a quick look at the Internet. There's a particular group I follow on Facebook. Ostensibly offering help on garden ponds to beginners it seems to be filled with keyboard warriors who wait for someone to admit to ignorance, and then make a point of trying to humiliate them.
I wonder what these people get out of it?
Half a dozen different (and unconnected) friends had also posted various seemingly random photos on their Facebook pages all with the caption "if you know, you know". I had no idea what any of them were talking about; I certainly didn't know.
I set off to work. As I drove down the road the bin lorry was coming up the other way. Rather than deliberately parking in the middle of the narrowest part of the road to deliberately obstruct the traffic, today the bin lorry had done the decent thing and pulled over to one side where there was space to pass. What was that all about?
As I drove the pundits on the radio were interviewing the head honcho of Google UK who didn't really come over as well as she might have done. She made great show of how her company (and she personally) took great pains to ensure that smut and lies were kept off the internet. And then shot herself in the foot by admitting that because of end-to-end encryption no one has any idea what nonsense is being posted on-line until someone else makes a complaint.
And there was talk of how much the government is spending on housing asylum seekers, and how the government is going to stop using hotels and start using tents to house them. On the one hand I have nothing but sympathy for people fleeing persecution and running for their lives. But on the other hand there are plenty of safe places that they run through on their way to the UK.
Meanwhile rather than sending a whole load of top secret stuff to the Americans, the Ministry of Defence has emailed it to the Russian's best friends instead. Whoops!
Mind you it turns out that the Americans have made the same mistake themselves...
I wonder if anyone will get sacked over this? Somehow I doubt it.
Work was work; I came home and took the dogs down to Orlestone where (unusually) the woods were crawling with dogs that couldn’t be trusted off of the lead despite being a mile into the wood. The puppies ran toward the first pair that we saw and those dogs started snapping and snarling and growling and straining at their leads. I blew the whistle and the pups came straight back. We took a turn off from the path into the woods away from them, and as we went so the people with the nasty dogs started a serious argument. “Why can’t you train our dogs to do that… did you see how good they were… our dogs are an embarrassment…” I did feel rather smug.
Five minutes later I heard a fuss behind me. “F..k! F..k! F..k! F..k!” some thug was shouting as his greyhound and the puppies were sniffing each other. Again I blew the whistle; again my dogs came to me. “Thank f...k for that” announced the thug, who then walked up to his dog, put it on a lead and walked off in the opposite direction.
And just as we came toward the final stretch of the walk we met grannie, two children and two dogs. The puppies went to say hello; their dogs said hello to the puppies. All was heigh, ho, pip and dandy (to coin a phrase) when grannie loudly announced that she would let this gentleman and his dogs come past as her dogs are very scared. The children with her commented that the dogs weren’t scared at all (clearly they weren’t). Grannie announced that the dogs were scared whether they looked it or not. I blew the whistle and the puppies came away. Grannie’s dogs wanted to come too…
If you aren’t going to let your dogs off of the lead there are plenty of places to take them. TO the beach, to the park… why go where you know you are going to have the arse with dogs that *can* be trusted off the lead?

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