18 February 2023 (Saturday) - Busy Busy

I slept better than I have done recently, but finding myself wide awake an hour or so earlier than I would have liked I got up and did my usual morning things. As I scoffed toast I watched more “Downton Abbey” in which Lady Edith was looking set to get jiggy down on the farm. And then after completely unrelated shenanigans, Carson the Butler had a funny turn. God only knows what he will do when he finds out about Lady Edith.
I woke “er indoors TM and the puppies, and as they did their things I had a look at the Internet. This morning my Facebook feed was heaving with the most odd adverts. Among other things I had adverts for “Goose Island” – a Welsh company making ladies clothes and the “National Organisation for Marriage” – an American crackpot religion. These people pay for targeted advertising – they really should ask for their money back.
Pausing only briefly to get cake from the co-op we drove round to the Repton estate for dog club. Morgan and Bailey were very soon in the thick of things, and after a couple of early grumbles Treacle walked a circuit of the field with me as she tolerated the other dogs. She then played with Morgan and Bailey as they played with other dogs. Treacle didn’t actually engage directly with the other dogs, but she was putting up with their presence, allowing sniffing to happen, and even letting other dogs come up to “er indoors TM and me. Even when treats were involved. She’s slowly improving; bless her.
I took a few photos whilst the dogs ran round.
As we drove home we listened to Steve on the radio… the mystery year was 1970 – or so I thought. It turned out I was right.
Once home the worn-out dogs snoozed, and then we saw movement outside. Someone was doing the geocache in the garden. We went outside to say hello… and it was one of the young ladies from dog club. That was something of a surprise for all of us.
I then spent a few hours working on geo-plans for the future. I’ve rather given up on hunting Tupperware recently, but it isn’t a bad way to spend some time.
We then went round to see Steve and Sarah… and the kittens. They were rather sweet, but they are on the sharp side. Puppies are far more blunt.
It would have been good to have stayed longer, but there was a family gathering in honour of Fred’s birthday. A couple of hours scoffing buffet scoff and washing it down with mild…
Can’t be bad.
Not a bad start to a week off work…

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