10 July 2024 (Wedesday) - Woods, Puzzles...

Treacle did start smacking her chops last night, but not until nearly seven o’clock. And she soon stopped. I got up just before eight, let out those dogs that wanted to go out, and made toast. The Internet was rather dull this morning. No dubious supposedly women sending me friend requests, no quarrels about filling garden ponds with all sorts of chemicals but avoiding tap water like the plague.
I did see a friend had had a post removed by the Facebook feds though. Apparently she breached the Facebook community standards by telling her mates on which days dustbins would be collected. It turns out that pretty much anything related to Swale council is red flagged by Facebook’s automated bots at the moment.
I put a load of washing in to scrub then took the dogs up to Kings Wood. Now that Pogo is with us for a little while I was worrying about having four to look after, but Pogo amazed me. He stayed close, and I chuckled as watched him. He was keeping an eye on the other three; especially the puppies, and when he felt Morgan was getting too far ahead he would trot forward and there would clearly be some silent conversation going on after which Morgan would slow down.
Perhaps it was my imagination, but as we came to the end of the walk Pogo did seem to be struggling. He’ll get used to the walks; he’s done them in the past.
We came home. I hung out the washing, then chased Bailey off of a freshly laid dog turd that she had decided would make a good snack.
I made us both a cuppa, then cracked on solving geo-puzzles. A new series of geocaches had gone live at Lullingstone yesterday. It’s an area we’ve walked round a few times before; it is rather pretty and should make for a good walk at some point over the next few weeks.
Mind you when I say “solving geo-puzzles” there wasn’t much solving. Each of the ones I was looking at today were challenges. You need to have found a certain number of a certain sort of geocache to qualify. For example one was to have found a hundred and fifty with the “swimming” attribute. I’ve found thirty; there’s only about ten of these within fifty miles of home.
After having reviewed fifty I saw the weather had perked up a bit so I cracked on in the garden for a bit. I emptied the back garden green waste into the bin at the front, bionically burned the weeds in the front garden and sat by the pond pondering the extension to the bog filter that I put in a couple of months ago. It don’t look pretty, and the existing bog filter is very full. It all needs a re-think.
On the plus side the new lily pads had lasted a day, so that was something of a result.
“er indoors TM went off out for some appointment or other (I don’t dare ask). I’d not been in the garden for long but I think I might have caught the sun. So I sat on the sofa, and as the dogs snored I carried on looking at that new series of geocaches at Lullingstone. Out of the eighty-one new caches I qualify to claim finds on about two thirds of them. I didn’t qualify for the rest and probably never will. Bearing in mind these have all been set for the upcoming mega-meet next month it’s a shame that these geocaches near Lullingstone couldn’t have been open to everyone and the silly challenges hadn’t been set in the arse end of nowhere.
I suspect I might be a little less scathing if I qualified for more of them.
“er indoors TM boiled up a very good bit of dinner which we scoffed whist watching more “Race Across the World”. A rather good show, and for once the dogs didn’t spend the entire time demanding dog biscuits as they so often do.

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