4 February 2024 (Sunday) - Rather Dull Really

Apart from the obligatory trip to the loo in the small hours I slept for over nine hours last night.  I got up and fetched in a bumper harvest of dog dung from the garden before the hounds got up so that Bailey wouldn’t eat any. Five minutes later “er indoors TM and the hounds came downstairs, went outside, and “er indoors TM announced that Bailey had breakfasted on freshly laid turd.
She is a foul dog. If not rolling in turd she is eating it. And she looks such a sweet little thing too.
Over brekkie I had a minor sulk that no major outing was planned for today, then had my usual look at the Internet. A friend was having a birthday today. I sent birthday wishes, and spent much of the day thinking about this chap. For much of his life he was a naval officer; at one point commanding a nuclear submarine. He’s got an OBE too. When I was much younger I seriously considered a career as a naval officer. That could have been me.
Mind you for all that I grumble about my job, having worked a night shift at Christmas or a bank holiday it is a short(ish) drive home. A bit different if you are out heaven-only-know-where and twenty thousand fathoms under the sea.
“er indoors TM popped out to meet up with mates for brekkie. I sat with the dogs. It was as well that I did. As we sat so someone noisily loaded up their car just down the road, and then someone else stood outside with toddlers which just shrieked for no reason whatsoever. Both provoked woofing fits that I managed to nip in the bud.
In between these episodes the dogs snored and I cracked on with more of my Coursera course. I can’t help but think that had where I used to work used such quality improvement methods such as involving people and team building rather than looking to assign blame, then things might have turned out rather differently for me.  
“er indoors TM returned and we took the dogs for a walk. We didn’t drive anywhere; we walked south through the back streets past Angling Direct and through the footpath to the end of Kingsnorth Road, then home via Stanhope, Cuckoo Lane and Jennett Road; Munzee-ing like things possessed as we went. We walked about two thousand more steps than an average walk round Kings Wood and were out for over two hours. We did have one “episode” with the app, but I’ve sought advice from far more experienced Munzers.
Once home the dogs were soon snoring. “er indoors TM sorted out a cuppa and hot (cold) cross buns and we watched a few more episodes of “Traitors” which finally killed off any respect I might have had for the British judicial system. The game show involves two dozen random people going off to a castle in Scotland. Three or four of them form a secret group (the traitors) and each night this secret group gets rid of one of the other contestants. The next day everyone plays some activity or other, then they all sit round a table and in theory use their wit, ingenuity and wisdom to identify a traitor. However in practice rather than using wit, ingenuity and wisdom, contestants seem to queue up to show off how stupid they all are by making spurious unfounded random guesses. And without exception the more wrong they are in their wild guesswork, the more vocal they are about their being right. Bearing in mind these people are from the same pool from which courts draw UK juries …
As “er indoors TM went looking for something in the back bedroom (good luck with that one!) I set about more geo-puzzles. I solved quite a few until it was dinner time.
“er indoors TM boiled up a rather good bit of scran (she does that). You can’t go wrong with a steak dinner. We washed it down with a rather good bottle of plonk (which we got as a Christmas prezzie) and as we scoffed we watched another episode of “Junior Bake Off”.
My plan is that bearing in mind I’m setting an alarm I won’t get a decent night’s sleep, I might as well get what sleep I can get from an early night.
I wonder if I will go up and have one?

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