26 September 2023 (Tuesday) - Before the Night Shift

I slept well for a change. I made toast and scoffed it sitting on the sofa with a very quiet, subdued and soppy Morgan. What was that all about? As I scoffed I had my usual look at Facebook. This morning it was rather entertaining. There was a rather nasty rant about anti-same-sex relationships on one of the groups I follow… apparently Donald Trump and some bunch of religious crackpots being in agreement automatically made anything true. It is odd how some people really cannot distinguish between what is factually correct as being “true” and what they personally believe as being “true”. Quite often these people take to putting the word “Fact!” after ludicrous nonsense as though that makes it true.
There was a mini-squabble about the origin of the name “Hastings” on another group; several theories were being put forward despite no one having any actual evidence for any of them.
A friend who often pleads poverty was jetting off on yet another international holiday.
And someone who regularly spams all the local Facebook pages for her own favourite pet projects was lambasting others for doing the same… and getting quite a bit of stick for doing so.
And I had an email that the geo-feds had archived one of my geocaches… that was kind of them. I emailed a complaint.
I got the dogs onto their leads and set off for a little walk. As we drove there was a rather interesting article on the radio about extremely rich people. It started off with concern being expressed about how international leaders are queuing up for meetings with the rich. Elon Musk was mentioned. It was then claimed that being extremely rich and influential was nothing new, and there was a mini biography of Henry Ford who (so it was claimed) spent a small fortune on anti-Semitic stuff. This was followed by an equally rich and influential person who lived in the eighteenth century. I’d have loved to have known who it was but the woman speaking had such I thick accent that I could only understand about half of her words.
Why do they allow these people on the radio?
We got to the woods and had a rather good three and a half miles walk. The last time we were in the woods the puppies’ recall wasn’t what it might have been, so we worked on whistle training and treats today, and did (mostly) rather well. We had one occasion when they were a tad slow coming back, but today was a vast improvement on the last walk.
As we walked I noticed Morgan doing “the hop”; I think he’s got the patellar luxation thing that Fudge had. I shall have to keep an eye on him.
We came home. Treacle had her paws washed as during our walk she’d made a point of being a swamp monster. Morgan and Bailey walked (ran) round all the muddy puddles and swamps; Treacle proudly marched through all of them whilst looking at me seemingly incredibly pleased with herself for doing so.
I then popped to the corner shop for pastries. “er indoors TM had hers as she worked; I scoffed mine as I wrote up CPD. Dull, but I have to. Mind you, yesterday when staring down the microscope I saw something interesting. Having a CPD blog means I can gloat about it.
I had a shower, then went to bed for the afternoon. I slept for nearly four hours, which was rather good.
I’m hoping that “er indoors TM will boil up some dinner in a bit, then I shall set off to the night shift.
Can’t say I’m keen on the idea…

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