15 September 2023 (Friday) - Rostered Day Off

I slept like a log, finally waking just before eight o’clock this morning. I made toast and scoffed it whilst peering into the internet. Today the place was awash with those annoying motivational memes. All sorts of people were posting twee nonsense. These motivational memes annoy me. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” has never once been said by anyone who has been given lemons by life. There were a lot of people complaining about how woke they consider today’s society to be, even though they prefer to whinge rather than do anything about it. There were arguments about Star Trek, fishing and Lego…
I turned the lap-top off and drove over to the garage.
My car was due for an MOT. In the past I’ve taken dogs to the garage, left the car and and gone for a walk but I had this idea that an MOT wouldn’t take long, I could then come home and then take the dogs out. The good news was that the car passed the MOT; the bad news was that it took over an hour longer to do than I had expected.
I made an appointment to get all the advisories done, then came home and took the dogs down to Orlestone.
We had a reasonable walk. It went better than Tuesday’s debacle. It would have gone better had a squirrel not leapt from a bush and dashed across the path not five yards in front of the pups. And then when almost back to the car park the pups shot into a thicket and a pheasant flew out.
Consequently we were a tad later getting home than we might have been.
I then spent some time in the garden. Mowing the lawn, cleaning the pond filter, replacing the washing line, garden-hoovering the carnage from the removal of the tree at the end of the garden, trimming back not-so-nice-next-door’s roses, and quite some time putting away all the garden tools I’d strewn across the garden as I’d worked.
My plan had been MOT, dog walk, garden, tip run and afternoon in front of the telly. It was half past four before I’d finished in the garden, and by then I could hardly move. I cut straight to the telly; I’ve booked a tip run for Monday morning.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate gardening? Over four hours today and it looks just the same as when I started.
“er indoors TM boiled up pizza and chips which we scoffed whilst watching the first “Police Academy” film. Did you know that film was released thirty-nine years ago. It was rather good then and could be rather good now… but with the bleeding hearts having censored one specific racist comment the last part of the film made absolutely no sense at all to anyone who hadn’t seen the film in its entirety. 

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