24 September 2023 (Sunday) - Prison Island

With “er indoors TM and the dogs up in the attic room with “Darcie Waa Waa TM I had a rather good night’s sleep. As I made toast this morning Morgan and Bailey came downstairs, went outside, did their “thing” and went back to the attic room.
I sat and scoffed brekkie; making the most of the peace and quiet before the chaos. As I scoffed toast I smiled at the Internet. There was consternation on one of the atheist meme pages I follow on Facebook. Someone who had posted some anti-religion meme had had her Facebook profile attacked by a load of angry Christians. Apparently. I’m not sure how one goes about attacking a Facebook profile; presumably having God on your side makes it easier (or possible). And my nephew sent me a link to the official trailer for the upcoming Doctor Who episode(s). It looks rather like Alexei Sayle’s blockbuster spectacular “Things Exploding”; it looks rather good, but then trailers do. Personally I wish they hadn’t brought back David Tennant and Catherine Tate. Am I being cynical in thinking that the writers have done so because they need something pretty damn spectacular to recover from the utterly dire last season?
I sent out birthday wishes, downloaded bank statements then the family came downstairs,,,
We spent a pleasant hour crawling round the floor, chasing dogs, singing silly songs and feeding toast to the dogs. Neither “Darcie Waa Waa TM nor dogs like marmite on toast.
“er indoors TM tookDarcie Waa Waa TM home and I spent an hour in the garden. I harvested dog turds, hung out the washing, harvested dog turds, started mowing the lawn, harvested dog turds, continued mowing the lawn, harvested dog turds... You wouldn’t believe how much dung three small dogs can generate.
With lawn mowed I pruned plants and bionically burned weeds. The bionic burner I bought a few months ago does kill the weeds, but unlike the marketing blurb would have me believe, the weeds do keep coming back. But a few minutes blasting the thing around achieves the same as what I would do scrabbling on my hands and knees for half an hour.
After an hour or so “er indoors TM returned and I stopped gardening. I was knackered. We had a cuppa, settled the dogs and drove up to Maidstone where we met “My Boy TM” and Cheryl. As it is his birthday soon we thought we might have a bit of fun today. I had no idea what to expect; I’d never even heard of the place before. “Prison Island” was really good fun.
The first bit was an hour in a series of rooms in which we faced various puzzles and tasks. I hesitate to mention any telly shows or say anything which might give the wrong impression, but after a couple of minutes I seriously expected to see Richard O’Brien running along next to me. In our hour we managed to try fifteen of over twenty games. In retrospect I think my biggest mistake was that it never occurred to me that I might stand up in the ball pit.
The second part was perhaps the craziest crazy golf I’ve ever played. I shall certainly be going back again.
From Prison Island we drove out to the Toby Carvery for far too much to eat. And a pudding. I gave myself a stomach ache.
I took a few photos this afternoon.
We got home, woke the dogs, and watched an episode of “Lego Masters: USA” in which the contestants had eight hours to build a Lego pirate ship. Regular readers of this drivel may recall that last winter I built one… it took me months.
And then I had a look at those bank statements I downloaded earlier. The fifty quid worth of new T-shirts and pants and stuff I got for the summer holiday still hasn’t appeared on my credit card statement. And the combined leccie and gas bill is now over forty quid a month less than it was.
Bearing in mind I worked yesterday, today’s been a rather good weekend.

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