24 March 2016 (Thursday) - Wheri-FTF

Maybe it was the excitement of my stories having been published. Maybe it wasn't. But I was wide awake at 4am. I gave up trying to sleep and got up. Over a spot of brekkie I watched this week's "Raised by Wolves" in which Aretha was given a present from her Grandfather - a coat he'd found under a hedge. It smelt of fox pee, but Granddad said it would do and she wasn't to expect a Christmas present for the next two years.
This is fast becoming my favourite TV show.

I set off from home just as dawn was breaking. Today was a geo-calendar day and I had a plan. On Monday a new Wherigo had gone live not *that* far from home. It was still unfound this morning so I thought I might get a calendar filler and my first wherei-FTF too.
I spent a few minutes fiddling about trying to find somewhere to park in Teynham, and then had a rather pleasant early morning stroll over the fields. The Wherigo I was hunting was billed as being one which would take ten minutes to complete; I think I took fifteen minutes between parking my car and signing the log. But it was a clean unsullied log. First to Find. Happy dance.

I then drove into Canterbury. As I drove the radio was featuring various so-called experts who were giving their sage views on the implications for national security should we decide to leave the European Union. And again there were many wise and reasonable reasons given for staying in the EU. And again all the reasons given for leaving the EU boiled down to the fact that those opposed to EU membership didn't seem to like foreigners very much.

Once in Canterbury I got petrol, and seeing how I still had an hour and a half before work I thought I'd have a celebratory fry-up; I felt that a Wheri-FTF on top of being a published author was cause to celebrate.
I went to Café Solo; I've driven past there many times. I shall drive past in the future. The brekkie wasn't bad; the place was clean. But it was a con. A three-piece brekkie was advertised in the menu at £1.99 with extras (sausage, beans, etc) costing about seventy pence. I had three extras (about £2.10) with my £1.99 brekkie.
Expecting to pay about four quid they billed me for seven quid. Did they charge three quid for the cup of coffee?

I got to work a little earlier than I needed to. As I was reading my Kindle app my phone beeped. A message. "er indoors TM" wasn't happy.
Last night I'd found half of a Belgian bun in the kitchen. It was rather stale, so I scoffed it with a cuppa. It turns out that "er indoors TM" had her beady eye on that bun for her brekkie. Woops.

I did my bit, and came home. Heavy rain was forecast for the drive home; it drizzled a bit. I walked round the roads and we got rather wet. Just as the rain had seeped through to my pants the phone rang. It was "er indoors TM"; had I got the message. (What message?)
Apparently the car seat was needed to transport "Stormageddon - Bringer of Destruction TM" to Sainsbury's. The car seat was in my car. I was soaked. "Stormageddon - Bringer of Destruction TM" could stay at home with his dad.
I got home, towelled off a wet dog and had a shower. I filled the washing machine with seven shirts and then found a hot cross bun in the kitchen. Bearing in mind I was due an arse-kicking for the Belgian bun I thought I might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb so I scoffed it whilst correcting geo-puzzle co-ordinates. I;ve now got sixty done. I have another three hundred to go.

"er indoors TM" came home and over some fish and chips we watched the latest James Bond film "Spectre". It was rather crap; I turned it off half way through...

And I've rather stuffed up.... This is my three thousand five hundredth blog entry. Perhaps I should have made the announcement about my stories having been published today rather than yesterday.

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