27 April 2024 (Saturday) - Feeling Rather Grim

I wasn’t feeling on top form when I woke this morning. Can’t imagine why. I made toast and had a little look at the Internet and rolled my eyes at the argument on the UK Ponds page. Someone’s pond water was green; did anyone have a solution? Someone suggested chucking in a bale of barley straw. Some said they’d done it and it worked, others said it hadn’t, and both sides were openly calling the other liars. And there was a lot of ranting about the cash machines being removed from a local hospital. The machines are old and need replacing, but because hardly anyone uses them it isn’t worth the company’s time to replace them. There was a lot of consternation being expressed by people who openly admitted they never used the machines but thought the things should remain in place as a public service.
I thought about making the observation that there used to be an actual branch of a bank in the hospital when I started working there, but that it closed through not enough people using it.
We got ourselves organized and set off to the Repton Estate. As we drove Steve was doing the “Guess the Lyrics” competition on the radio. “Every day is like survival. You're my lover not my rival”. It could have been anything; I hadn’t a clue. When Steve announced it was Karma Chameleon by Culture Club I had a “dur!” moment. Of course it was.
Dog Club went rather well; the dogs all had fun. There’s not really much that can be said about Dog Club; we stand in a field whilst the dogs run riot. I love it.
As we drove home I got the “Mystery Year” competition wrong by one year. Boney M singing about a holi-holiday… I thought it was 1978. It wasn’t.
We came home for a cuppa, and I *again* posted details about how to pay to the dog club’s Facebook page. Last week someone had complained that the text payment thingy didn’t work and suggested I might like to sort it out.. I tried it; it worked.
We then drove down to Kingsdown for the monthly geo-meet. We met up outside the pub and wandered the beach for an hour or so gathering rubbish. It was a shame that the dogs had to eat seaweed but there it is.
With rubbish gathered we stood chatting for a while – it is always good to catch up with friends. It would have been good to have spent the afternoon there, but I was rather wilting from a rather busy day yesterday and today’s adventures. I slept most of the way home.
We got home, did the “Feed The Fish” ritual and then the rain started.
After I’d had a little doze “er indoors TM went off out with her mates. I settled in front of the telly with the dogs and watched a couple of episodes of “All The Light We Cannot See”; a Netflix mini-series. It’s about two youngsters in St Malo during the war. It is completely the sort of thing that wouldn’t appeal to me at all, but Netflix recommended it, and so far it’s bee rather good.
I’m going to have an early night in a bit… I’m rather suffering from the excesses of yesterday. Back in the day I could drink myself silly… not any more.

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