18 April 2024 (Thursday) - Bonus Late Shift

I had quite the guts ache last night. As I went to the loo (for safety!) at four o’clock I tripped over Morgan who was downstairs. He’d not got up with everyone else when “er indoors TMwent to bed; he’s probably realized just how crowded the bed is getting. I go up earlier and earlier just to get some space and some kip before the crush starts.
I peered into the Internet over toast. It was still there, and squabbles abounded on the Munzee Facebook pages. There’s a new feature on the Munzee app; you get to chase a virtual unicorn if you want to. You don’t have to, but you wouldn’t believe how nasty people were getting over something so trivial.
I got the leads on to the dogs and we went up to the woods. Admittedly we were rather later than we usually get there, but the car park was over half full, and as we walked we met loads of other people. Several people remarked that they had never been there before but had heard about the bluebells.
After about four miles we got back to the car. The last time we went to the woods Treacle had been rather slobbery at the end; today I’d taken water and made sure they were offered some regularly, and Treacle was fine.
We came home for a cuppa and cake, Yesterday I hadn’t been rota-ed to do the late shift; a colleague had asked if anyone could do it for her as she had things to do. I offered, as I often want people to swap with me, and she was so grateful she gave me cake. Result.
Completely forgetting to put any washing in to scrub I went into the garden and mowed the lawn.  Then stopped, harvested a bumper crop of dog turds the carried on mowing. It has to be said that shoving the new garden table out of the way to mow round it is much easier than shoving the old one used to be.
I then made a start on water features. Having spent a small fortune on sleepers and waterfalls that were made redundant by sticking a brick under the bog filter, I've got a plan for making a little water garden and rockery. But that involves moving an existing water feature. Our "badger" water feature never really looked that impressive; in fact (like the one I need to move) it just grew mould and algae. So...
I disassembled the "badger" water feature and relocated the stonework on the other side of the garden. Rather than filling it with water and stones I filled it with compost and some of the left-over plants I bought a couple of days ago.
That gave me a space. I disassembled the water feature with the white pebbles and the pot out of which water flows. I never liked the tile the water flowed over, and the white pebbles had all gone green anyway. I relocated the carcass of the water feature and realised that I couldn't go any further without a trio to the garden centre. The output from the water pump in the water feature is a completely different size to the input to the waterfall it will go into. So I took the bits I needed to Bybrook Barn and hoped I might find a helpful lady in the pond section. I smiled hopefully at the first person I saw, and apologetically said that I was the sort of customer with a query that she just hated. She said (with a smile) that she hated all customers, and we got on like a house on fire. I showed her the incompatible bits I needed to connect, and she came up with a couple of adaptors and bits of connector which did the trick.
Whilst I was at it I spent twenty-five quid on stones to go on the water feature. I got some green slate; the white pebbles went green anyway.
I came home and decided against any more heavy lifting. My phone was beeping like a thing possessed. The person on the late shift had had a minor calamity; could anyone cover? Pretty much everyone had something they needed to do this evening.
I had a shower and drove to work. Doing half a day's work kept me moving; had I not gone in to work I would have collapsed in front of the telly and not moved.
As I did my thing so I had a message. Poor Pogo's leg was bleeding from where he'd had the biopsy yesterday. I said he needed a bandage. After a lot of farting around and the entire family going to the vet's I am reliably informed a plaster was applied.
I really ache. I think I overdid it today. The weather forecast for tomorrow is rain. Maybe taking it easy might be a good idea.

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