24 April 2024 (Wednesday) - Busy, Busy

I slept well, and made toast in a toaster which did that which was expected of it this morning. A minor result.
I scoffed toast whilst peering into a frankly dull internet. Squabbles abounded on the Facebook pages I follow. Garden ponds, Radio Four programs, no matter what the subject someone will argue about it.
I downloaded bank statements, got some cable ties from the shed, and got ready for the morning.
Seeing the geo-feds had given me the thumbs-up for what I’d planned yesterday I thought I’d better get that new geocache into place so I took the dogs to the woods. As we drove the pundits on the radio were talking about shoplifting in the UK. Apparently you can’t prosecute anyone for nicking anything worth less than two hundred quid from a shop, and the scum element know this. There was an interview with some chap who runs a co-op in Islington who said that shoplifting costs him tens of thousands of pounds every year. He also said that he calls the police every time he catches someone thieving and they turn up maybe three times out of every ten times he calls them.
This tells me that it is time that we as a society admit that the police force isn’t fit for purpose, and need to think about a better way to make the world a better place.
We got to the woods and walked a round trip of four miles. Once we were away from the car park we didn’t see anyone other than the forestry workers. I think one of them told Morgan off; as we were walking up to where they were working Morgan came running up to me (he’d been running free up till then) and he stayed by my side whilst we walked past where the work was going on.
Mind you, the forestry workers don’t help themselves. They make a point of throwing food to the dogs when they are on a break, and then wonder why the dogs want to go see them the next time we pass.
With the fake owl geocache tied to a tree we came home, and I unplugged the water pump for our new small pond and extracted it, and wired in the new power socket I’d bought yesterday. I then plumbed the new filter which arrived this morning and was amazed that I’d spent over three hours on what would seem to be such a simple task. I’m not sure I like the water feature head, and the white hose to the waterfall needs to be replaced… but I’ll worry about that tomorrow.
As I worked my phone had beeped with the news that the geocache we put out this morning had gone live, and as I got on with the ironing so I got a message that the thing had been found. There’s always something of a sense of relief when someone finds a new cache that I’ve hidden… it shows I’d done it right.
As I ironed I watched the last two episodes of “Gunpowder”. When you think about it the Gunpowder Plot was frankly ridiculous, but what is more worrying is that a lot of people still take that sort of religious twaddle seriously.  
I then got busy in the kitchen and boiled up dinner. “er indoors TM came home and we scoffed it whilst watching the first episode of the new series of “Taskmaster”; five new contestants of which I’ve heard of one.
I might have an early night…

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